Free Personality Essay Examples

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Personal Essay Example: Some Questions for a Counselor

There are several experiences and more so problems in our family that has made to become a counselor and some include, I had a drug addicted cousin who could do anything...
4 Pages 
(882 Words)

Are Leaders Born or Made? Essay Sample

The above query has been in the minds of many people. Researchers have not yet proven the definitive answer to the question. Some people argue that leaders get their skil...
2 Pages 
(419 Words)

Essay Example on Organic Chemistry: John D. Roberts

John D. Roberts is one of the most iconic figures in the field of physical organic chemistry. He was born in 1918, June 8 in Los Angeles, California, U.S. and died in 201...
2 Pages 
(542 Words)

Duke Ellington and His Contribution to the History of Music

Duke Ellington, otherwise known by the name of birth as Edward Kennedy Ellington was an American known for his composition, piano skills and as a leader of jazz orchestra...
4 Pages 
(868 Words)

Personal Attachment Pattern

According to the attachment, on anxiety, I scored 4.89, on a scale ranging from 1-7. Based on that scale, 1 indicated very low anxiety while 7 was the maximum number. O...
3 Pages 
(579 Words)

Research Paper Example on President Truman's Doctrine

President Harry Truman who was sworn in as the 33rd president of the USA, after the sudden demise of President Franklin Roosevelt, played a huge part in shaping the diplo...
3 Pages 
(669 Words)

Autobiographical Narrative Essay Example

As birth documents suggest, I was born 21 years ago and grew up in an area around Virginia Beach. Just like most kids, life as a child offered memorable experiences that...
3 Pages 
(579 Words)
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Personal Statement Example to Acquire a Position in Mechanical Engineering

I have the required skills in the field of mechanical engineering. I attended Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology where I pursued my Bachelor of Science i...
3 Pages 
(761 Words)

Quiet Strength: Essay on Tony Dungy

Many people may imagine being coach calls for one to be yelling in the pitch, giving strict orders and attitude issues all time when dealing with his players. However, th...
4 Pages 
(909 Words)

Essay Example on Prominent American Personalities

Andrew Jackson was an American soldier and later became a statesman who served in the capacity of president. All these took place on March 16, 1767, to June 8, 1845. He s...
3 Pages 
(588 Words)