Free Personality Essay Examples

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Summary of the Big Five Personality Test Results

The Big Five personality check provides a person with considerably more understanding of how they respond to various circumstances or scenarios. Career professionals, as...
4 Pages 
(990 Words)

Personal Statement for an MSc Accounting and Management course

I have always been captivated by the continuously dynamic world. I am looking forward to securing a position at the Queen Mary University of London for an MSc Accounting...
3 Pages 
(599 Words)

Strike Against War - Essay on the Speech by Helen Keller

The paper examines a speech by Helen Keller, an American political activist who did not need anybody to pity or favor her as many people thought; all she requested was fa...
5 Pages 
(1139 Words)

My Experience with the Social Media - Personal Essay Sample

The advent of technology has brought with it numerous changes in the society. One of the most affected areas is communication. Technology has replaced the traditional way...
4 Pages 
(852 Words)

Essay Example on Plato and Aristotle

The ideas of Plato came before those of Aristotle. Plato learnt his philosophies from Socrates. Majority of his works are written in dialogue. They involve the question a...
3 Pages 
(583 Words)

Essay Example: Douglas's Autobiography and Experience in Slavery

RaceDouglass was a mixed race, his father was a white, his master (slaveholder) and the mother was a black, slave. The slaveholder had the privilege of raping the black w...
5 Pages 
(1156 Words)

Exploring My Digital Footprint - Personal Essay

My name is found on various social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Instagram. Other places where my name appeared is websites of places I o...
3 Pages 
(624 Words)
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The Reasons Why Ethics and Integrity Will Be Important in My Future Career Choice in Law Enforcement

Ethics refers to the moral principles, which govern the behavior of an individual or the process of conducting an activity. Ethics and law enforcement are related. Theref...
4 Pages 
(925 Words)

How I Would Benefit from Spending a Week Studying in Havana, Cuba

Studying abroad presents an opportunity for exploring and comprehending how an area of interest is approached in a different environment. It also presents an opportunity...
3 Pages 
(649 Words)

How Bill Gates Changed the World - Essay Example

Those who dare to dream change the course of this world. Some people dream of wealth while others dream of fame. In the process of dreaming of becoming the wealthiest pe...
4 Pages 
(906 Words)