Safety program involves a document designed to assist the employees, employers and other personnel in the organization to prevent accidents or diseases. It contains health and safety elements that aim at achieving protection of all individuals within a workplace. Nestle company has come up with well-detailed safety program that entails identification of hazards and prior identification and diagnosis of various disorders within the firm. Moreover, it has a comprehensive environmental safety to be observed and guided by business culture and ethical practices within the organization (Venkataraman, 2008).
Hazard is any condition that can cause an accident that results in injury, death or damage to property. Hazards can be identified by determining how staff might be at risk of potential dangers and appropriately evaluating those threats. Risk assessment is carried out, and the risks are recorded and continuously reviewed to assess any changes in the organization.
Regarding hazard identification, I have observed that the Nestle company safety program has enumerated a wide range of causes of hazards and subsequently provided mitigation measures in case workers are affected. Some of the major hazardous aspects listed include effects of excessive lights in the firm, too much noise, uncomfortable furniture, and objects that can be dangerous to workers and visitors (Salminen & Seppala, 2005). It appears the company has the interest of their workers at heart because they have set out procedures to be followed to prevent the occurrence of possible calamities. Examples include using light regulators to avoid its effects on vision, reducing exposure to noise to the worker to prevent damage to musculoskeletal and designing comfortable seats that enhance proper sitting position.
However, I have observed that the Nestle has not listed all the areas perceived to be dangerous to workers. I recommend the company to use more signs or pictures to create awareness among the employees and visitors concerning risk areas in the firm. Moreover, they should carry out frequent monitoring of the risks and do the modification.
Nevertheless, the company has taken a huge step in managing health aspects within the firm. Nestle company have provided provisions for the identification and treatment of skeletal, muscular and cumulative trauma conditions. Muscular disorders are a common illness that affects the musculoskeletal system of the workers making them unable to perform duties effectively (Rey, 1998). I have observed that Nestle Company has considered the source of muscular disorders such as low fitness, poor health habits, working overtime, and improper sitting posture.
Additionally, they have identified listed too much sitting and lack of fieldwork as primary causes of skeletal disorders. To mitigate the problems, the firm has provided several illustrations to help avoid incidents that lead to these disorders. For example, avoiding assigning workers with massive work and giving them little time for physical activities.
However, I did not see how they have identified and addressed Cumulative Trauma injuries. There is no sufficient identification of causes of the condition such as exposure to chemicals and toxins. I recommend that Nestle should critically assess this matter because it affects ligament structures, tendons, and muscles of its workers thus affecting their productivity.
Environmental safety is another aspect that is fundamental within a firm. Exposure to chemicals is the primary hazard that can affect the workers (Safety and O. S. H. A, 1989). In my assessment, the firm has well-written instructions concerning the handling of chemicals. They have also provided their staff with protective gear that minimizes chances of being exposed to danger. In addition to chemicals, the safety standards set covers furniture, machinery, software and other environmental aspects.
To prevent accidents in laboratories and other areas with dangerous substances, the companys management have developed procedures that are followed to access the rooms. Additionally, they have specialized personnel who are only authorized to enter that facility. This move significantly combats environmental hazards in the organization.
Although Nestle has provided practical solutions for physical risks, I found little information concerning certain environmental hazards such as heat stress, surrounding environment and cold. I recommend the firm to improve the design of their workplaces by introducing heaters and coolers and also developing excellent surrounding facilities that are safe.
Ethical decision-making and corporate culture are other important aspects of a company (Carder & Ragan, 2005). I reviewed Nestle corporate culture and found that they have put the safety of their employees at the forefront. The company conducts safety education ever month to emphasize the need for safety within the firm. Besides that, the management has a culture of supplying all workers and visitors with protective gear to guarantee their protection.
However, I found slight efforts done by the company concerning ethical decision-making concerning safety standards. Although the firm has moderately made moral decisions regarding safety, some safety decisions such as being forced to remove shoes or remove clothes when accessing certain facility are against the rights of people. To enhance ethical decision-making, I recommend the company to adjust some strict safety rules that seem to violate others rights. Lastly, Nestle should improve their corporate culture to emphasize on individual safety within the firm.
Conclusively, the firm has taken a huge step in improving safety standards for its employees and other company personnel. Although some areas need improvement, I found Nestle safety program to be appropriate.
Carder, B., & Ragan, P. (2005). Measurement matters: how effective assessment drives business and safety performance. Asq Press.
Rey, P. (1998). Workers Compensation: Trends and Perspectives. JM Stellman (Editor-in-Chief) and P. Rey & M. Lesage (Chapter Eds.), Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety, 26-6.
Safety, O. S. H. A. (1989). Health Program Management Guidelines. US Department of Labor.
Salminen, S., & Seppala, A. (2005). Safety climate in Finnish-and Swedish-speaking companies. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics, 11(4), 389-397.
Venkataraman, N. (2008). Safety performance factor. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 14(3), 327-331.
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