Free Marketing Essay Examples

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Questions and Answers on Online Shopping - Paper Example

Have you purchased a product online, and it did not meet your requirements, or the actual specifications and description were not in-line with what was previously adverti...
2 Pages 
(507 Words)

Sustainability Marketing - Essay Example

Sustainability marketing can be achieved through many different institutions and agents in society such as governments, industries, and markets. In addition to these agen...
5 Pages 
(1373 Words)

Perceived Risks in Online Shopping - Paper Example

Are you aware of the perceived risks that are associated with online shopping?If yes, how do you feel they impacted your purchasing behavior? ( On a scale of 1 to 7 descr...
3 Pages 
(723 Words)

Essay on Marketing Philosophy

Subway is currently the largest fast food restaurant that operates throughout the world, perhaps the main strategy that gave subway its competitive edge is largely attrib...
6 Pages 
(1457 Words)

Internet Marketing Standards - Paper Example

For a business to grow and do well within a society it has the responsibility of marketing its product to the people. In the Arab, many people seem to have gained weight...
3 Pages 
(743 Words)

The Basic Theory Using Demand and Supply With Annotated Bibliography - Paper Example

Shahal, Andrea (2017, October 10). Trump's Iran plans driving EU toward Russia and China: Germany. Reuters. Retrieved from
6 Pages 
(1548 Words)

Unethical Marketing of Pepsi Diet - Essay Example

A sales pitch slogan for a product is very important because it induces a self-marketing force among the audience. It allows promotion of a product and engagement with cu...
4 Pages 
(1033 Words)
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Essay on the 3Cs Measured on Social Market

Taking the 3C approach to networks, we measure community, commitment, and conversion. In other words, we measure brand recognition, developing relationships with the audi...
3 Pages 
(802 Words)

Identifying Adequate Strategies That May Apply In a Marketing Project - Paper Example

Kellett and Hede in the article Marketing communications for special events present a review on establishing adequate marketing communication systems for special even...
4 Pages 
(861 Words)

Product Promotion for Persil - Paper Example

Persil is a detergent used for laundry. The detergent is available both as powder and in liquid form. For many years, the Persil has served as a powerful detergent applie...
3 Pages 
(581 Words)