Can you describe how this incident made you feel? ( On a scale of 1-7 describe your emotional state with 1 being happy and 7 being extremely angry)
Are you aware of the perceived risks that are associated with online shopping?
If yes, how do you feel they impacted your purchasing behavior? ( On a scale of 1 to 7 describe how the perceived risks have influenced your purchasing behavior whereby; 1 signifies there has been little effect on your purchasing behavior and 7 it has made you avoid using the online shopping platform to purchase electrical products)
Are there instances whereby you use the online platform to assess the different products in order to determine their price range and different variety, and then go to purchase these products in a traditional (brick and mortar store)? (Describe it on a scale of 1 to 7 whereby; 1 represents rare instances, while 7 shows that you do it on a frequent basis)
If yes, why? And how often have you found yourself engaging in such an activity?
Do you feel that it saves times and money to purchase electronics through an online platform? ( Describe why you feel that it normally saves time, and then on a rate of 1 to 7 state effectiveness in terms of time when purchasing electronics through the online platform)
There are different perceived risks that are associated with online shopping such as financial and performance risks. Which perceived risks do you feel has a huge impact on your purchasing behavior, and which one do you feel has the least impact on your purchasing behavior? (State the two perceived risks that you feel have the biggest and least effect on your purchasing behavior and then rate them on a scale of 1 to 7; 1 represents the least risk and 7 the biggest risk.)
Can you briefly describe your experience when you used this platform for transactions?
Between online shopping and the traditional method of shopping, which one do you feel is better, and why do you feel that it is a superior method of shopping?
(Rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 in order to demonstrate the superiority of the shopping method that you prefer)
Do you feel that online stores are reliable and safe places to purchase electronic products? (In this case you will rate reliability and safety as two separate entities on a scale of 1-7 whereby; 1 represents the least value and 7 the highest value. Therefore if you rate safety as 1, it means that you feel that it is highly unsafe to use the online stores to purchase electrical products).
What benefits do you, your family members, or friends associate online shopping with?
Do you feel that online stores are suitable for purchasing electronic products?
(Rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 whereby; 1 represents unsuitability and 7 showing it is highly suitable)
Is it enjoyable for you to use online stores to purchase electronic products?
(Rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 whereby; 1 represents very unenjoyable and 7 showing that it is highly enjoyable)
Do you intend to purchase electronic devices in an online store within the next 12 months?
(Rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 whereby; 1 shows highly unlikely and 7 shows it is highly likely)
Have you ever used online shopping to purchase a product or service? ( Provide a Yes or No answer and provide an explanation)
What are the challenges that you or your close associates have faced while using online shopping?
What are your usage patterns of the internet?
How did you come about or how did you learn about the existence of online shopping?
Has any form of media encouraged or influenced you to purchase an electronic product online? (State the type of media that has had the most and the least influence in terms of making you feel that you can purchase electronic products online).
Do you know any online store that you can use to purchase electronics online?
Do you feel that using these online stores to purchase electronic products is problematic? If yes, rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 the difficulty level of using the online stores to purchase electronic products.
Is it easy for you to navigate through the online stores to research about a product, select it and make payments for electronic products? Yes or No, and then rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 in relation to level of easiness in relation to the navigation process
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