Health policy entails the decision, actions, plans initiated to accomplish health care objectives within a society. Explicit health policy defines the vision for the future quality health care. Health policy issues, particularly in the United States, have become a highly charged partisan matter. Policies issues in health are primary constitutes that have substantially constrained the legislative and implementation of laws that are meant to improve health care (Adler, 2017). The sharp and distinct policy differences are mostly captured due to ideology variation of the relevant policy for health in the United States. For instance, each side of the divide claims that their policies will nurture, improve and enhance the quality, availability, and efficiency of healthcare in American. Realistically, however, any significant sustainable change in regards to public, private and federal health policy requires wide public support and bipartisan agreement (Haskell, 2009).
Health policy was a major agenda in 2016 American campaign. The campaign platform could have facilitated the candidates to articulate a realistic position in regards to health issue by helping the voters comprehend the health options through availing basic legislations oriented at improving and resolving the policies issues that have been affecting the country (Harrington,2008). However none of meaningful policies featured in their campaign apart from repeal Obamacare and save Medicare slogan from both party accompanied by a mutual accusation that deeply contravened the establishment of sustainable health policy to American people. Some of the acute health policies issues united states have been struggling with are; resolving the future and prospects affordable care act, the slow projected growth of national health spending on private, state and federal level and reforming and improving Medicare program to ensure program viability and accessibility to many people (Rosen, 2015).
History of the Health Policy Issue
The history of America health policy issue over the last few decades is quite disjunctive and complex. There exists no single narrative of health policy explanatory history or rather unifying historical framework that illustrates the conclusive sequence of policies issue in regards to health in the United States. Instead, numerous possible history scenarios are reflecting the diverse traditions in which health policy is America is embedded in the country economy, culture, and politics and power structures (Bhattacharya, 2013). American policy is mostly a sum manifold experience, clashing themes, multiple advocates and dashed experiment incorporating healthcare experts attempting to establish the best decision on health care prosperity. The result has been the establishment of vibrant health policies that have attracted distinct approval and criticism on the equal measure in America. The government of United States has eschewed and nurtured universal national insurance particularly in favor private, an employer-based system with the program only covering certain vulnerable group. Despite the criticism the government has received for lack sustainable action on health care, it has received many praised on the invocation and diversity it has created as a result of private heal care industry.
The history of health policies in the US is also characterized by partisan ideology and legislation differences. Traditionally, both republican and democrat parties exhibit different approaches in regards to health care where member have different views on health policy (Ham, 2009). Republican, the party advocate for a market solution, reduced wastage, consumer choice and enhanced state-level flexibility in evaluating, designing and executing health policies. On the other hard democrats stress on universal insurance coverage, embrace participation of government role in facilitating access to health care for everyone and ought to favor health regulation to enhance quality and moderate cost growth. The existence of bipartisan legislative and implementation of policies across the political divide in America has contributed to the emergence of multiple health issues. This has been majorly resulted by the difference in party ideology and political reality in the country.
Current Challenges Associated with the Health Policy Issue
The health policy is impacted by various challenges in United States. The partisan approach regarding crafting and implementing health policies has been a serious challenge affecting the establishment of quality health care. In the past, both Democrats and Republican parties share different views on the necessary health issues that are supposed to be adopted by the country. Is it is being witnessed up today, republican are determined to scrap Obamacare program which was initiated by the democrat in the last regime which has raised many criticisms from the democrat's representatives. This aspect of difference in political ideology as further becomes a problem in the effort of establishing sustainable health policies that will be beneficial to the citizen. The divide exhibited by the health experts who craft health policies has also been a major problem. Many of the experienced people responsible for creating these policies are influenced by their part affiliation which may result in biasness and prejudice in making health reforms (Haskell, 2009). This has further precipitated to citizens who are almost divided equally on the adopted policy with each side pulling on their side. The lack of consensus from both party significantly retarded to the decision on the health policy to settle on by the states. The aspect of the economy has also been critical in determining the policy to adopt. Some policies upon implementation are expensive to support by the prevailing status of the economy which makes it hard for their full materialization.
Stakeholder Analysis
Many stakeholders argue that health policy issue has persistently been a significant problem that has impacted negatively on the health care status of America. Although the entire issue has been a complex as its affected by different parameter, lack of clear guidance on the policy to observe has been detrimental on the prosperity of the health care. For a plan to be passed, the involved representatives need to agree on consensus on fundamental concepts of the policy. The passage and implementation of any policy or health regulation should meet the interest of all parties and should not suppress what the economy can support (Adler, 2017). However, policy-making concerning in the United States has been characterized diverse opinions that have constrained the successful implementation of rules. Policy making is, therefore, a crucial initiative that stakeholder should be guided by laying down option that is viable and friendly to citizens. To achieve a permanent solution to policy issues regarding health participant should choose to pursue all component that transforms the healthcare to deter the various challenges that have been witnessed.
Policy recommendation
It is an obvious fact that the government across all level has an irreplaceable role to play in facilitating conditions in which people live are health. This means that the federal and local public health agencies must ensure policies being passed are for the interest of wellbeing of the people. The report finds that all the core functions of ensuring sustainable health policies and assessment are the responsibility of the government. Its also recommended that public health agency should regularly and systematically collect, analyze and avail information on the health status of the community, community health need and evaluation of health problems that arise (In Holtz,2017). The report also recommends that each public health agencies must exercise its core responsibility of serving the public interest in developing and crafting comprehensive health policies by embracing the use of scientific knowledge in decision making regarding public health. Agencies should initiate the strategic approach, developed by sustainable and positive appreciation for the democratic political process. Moreover, every health agency should involve key policy maker as well general public in making health policy that will guarantee a member of community assurance of quality care. This guarantee should encompass subsidization or rather a direct provision quality health services for an individual unable to afford them.
Recommended Roles for Federal Government, State Government, and Markets
The state government must be the central force in driving sustainable health policy in public health. The state has the responsibility of assessing the health requirement based on the gathered state data, assuring citizens sufficient statutory based on quality health in the state. The state should also create statewide health goals, delegating power to localities and holding them accountable and guarantee of an appropriate organized statewide initiative to enhance and maintain requisite personal, environmental health services and availing necessary services in establishing the solution of various challenges in health policing (In Holtz, 2017). The state is also responsible assuring a minimum set of essential health services and support local service capacity, particularly when there exist disparity for the local to raise sufficient revenue to run programs, technical assistance and direct involvement of the state to accomplish adequate service at all levels.
Majority of health issues impacts many American directly or indirectly, and therefore the federal government engagement in national policy development is crucial. The federal government has the obligation of initiating broad health policy issues to the interest of the nation. This help in the establishment of a framework where both state and nation health issues can be deliberated. The federal government, therefore, has a duty to support and embrace knowledge improvement and dissemination of information through data collection and information exchange, provision of technical assistance that assists state to achieve their objectives and the provision of the fund to strengthen its the capacity to enhance their services (Geneau, 2010).
Implications of the Policy Recommendations
Recommendation of health policy triggers various consequences. First coordinating the fragmented health initiative which is widely scattered across all the department and agencies is great. Moreover, addressing the federal and the local challenges created by proliferation states policy and programs may constraint the ultimate success in health policy. Responding to demanding international health issues may have a direct implication on people than it is perceived. Global market trends are increasingly determining the safety of the food people consume, quality and the cost of medical services (In Holtz, 2017). Continuing to support and embracing science and technology especially in biomedical research and information science may not be sustainable by the prevailing economic conditions. The coordination that is expected to exist between the federal, state and local in regards to installing and maintain adequate health policies may be weak which may ultimately inhibit public health prosperity.
Analysis of Population Health Implications
For a nation to enhance the health quality of their population through laying down realistic health policies, several interventions are essential. First, health experts should elaborate and articulate strategies that will be employed in guiding achievement of affordable public health services. The decision is made on an ideal system to be adopted should be anchored off the diversity, interest, needs, and pre...
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