Macro-level Workflow Process Redesign for HIM Patient Advocate in Emerging HIM Positions - Paper Example

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846 words
George Washington University
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The role of patient advocates is getting redefined each day with advancements in Health Information Management (HIM) and Enterprise Information Management (EIM). These new disciplines are providing opportunities or traditional patient advocates to; serve patients more efficiently, and eliminate waste through convenient access to patient health records and correspondence from caregivers (Dimick, n.d.). A workflow process redesign for this emerging position is described below:

Step 1: Process Boundaries

The process starts when the patient requests consultancy services. The patient advocate gains the right to access patient information, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), and patient representation. The process ends when the patient advocate delivers the final decision for the next healthcare process.

Step 2: Customers for this Process

Patient advocates mainly provide services to:


their family members, and

Healthcare managers.

Step 3: As Is Process Map Out

The current process relies on manual health records. Patient advocates have to move physically to meet patients and healthcare managers owing to the archaic EHR system.

Step 4: As Is Process Analysis

Manual record keeping makes it strenuous to access, sort, and retrieve patient data leading to queues and work pile up.

Manual record keeping needs manual updating which calls for regular reviews.

Waste results from two queues and two reviews.

Macro-level Workflow Process Redesign for HIM Data Integrity Managers in Emerging HIM Positions

All HIM and EIM practices must adhere to legal and ethical codes that govern patient care and management of information systems. Maintaining the integrity of patient data is vital requirement particularly for organizations that have embraced modern EHR systems (Washington, n.d.). This workflow process redesign describes emerging HIM positions for HIM data integrity managers.

Step 1: Process Boundaries

The process starts when patient data is entered into the system. The data integrity manager controls the storage, access, and retrieval process to secure patient and organizational data. The process is ongoing and temporarily ends after routine maintenance of the information system infrastructure, and EHR is done.

Step 2: Customers for this Process

Data integrity managers mainly provide services to:

Hospital managers

Relevant stakeholders, and


Step 3: As Is Process Map Out

Currently, record keeping is manual and based on the old filing system. Patient health records are prone to damage, loss, or leakage to unauthorized persons.

Step 4: As Is Process Analysis

Manual record keeping makes hard to safeguard patient data and health records.

Waste results from two queues and two reviews.

Macro-level Workflow Process Redesign for HIM Healthcare Business Analysts in Emerging HIM Positions

Healthcare Business analysts have to rely on emerging opportunities from modern HIM and EIM practices to make decisions (Washington, n.d.). With this new disciplines, business analysts can access all vital information regarding current performance, available resources, and existing opportunities to help healthcare providers operate profitably. This workflow process redesign describes how business analysts are taking up this emerging HIM position.

Step 1: Process Boundaries

The process starts when healthcare organization managers request consultancy services. The business analyst gains access to information systems and current business context. The process is ongoing and temporarily ends after the business analyst makes recommendations for the management to consider.

Step 2: Customers for this Process

Business analysts mainly provide services to:

Hospital managers

Stakeholders, and

policy and decision makers

Step 3: As Is Process Map Out

The current process relies on manual health records. Business analysts have to move physically to meet managers and relevant stakeholders. Analysis of new information is slow and often erroneous.

Step 4: As Is Process Analysis

Manual record keeping makes it strenuous to access, sort, and retrieve patient data leading to queues and work pile up.

Manual record keeping needs manual updating which calls for regular reviews.

Waste results from 3 queues and three reviews.

Macro-level Workflow Process Redesign for HIM Financial Data Analyst in Emerging HIM Positions

Healthcare Financial data analysts have to rely on emerging opportunities from modern HIM and EIM practices to make decisions. With this new disciplines, financial analysts can access all vital information regarding current budgets, revenues, and expenditures to help healthcare providers leverage on available finances (Dimick, n.d.). This workflow process redesign describes emerging HIM positions for healthcare financial data analysts.

Step 1: Process Boundaries

The process starts when healthcare organization managers request consultancy services. The financial analyst gains access to information systems, accounts history, available resources, and balance sheets. The process is ongoing and temporarily ends when the financial analyst makes recommendations for the management to consider.

Step 2: Customers for this Process

Business analysts mainly provide services to:

Hospital managers

Relevant stakeholders, and


Step 3: As Is Process Map Out

The current process relies on manual health records. Financial analysts have to move physically to meet investors, managers, and relevant stakeholders. Analysis of new information is slow and prone to human error.

Step 4: As Is Process Analysis

Manual record keeping makes it strenuous to access, sort, and retrieve patient data leading to queues and work pile up.

Manual record keeping needs manual updating which calls for regular reviews.

Waste results from one queues and two reviews.


Dimick, C. (n.d.). Health Information Management 2025. Retrieved from:

Washington, L. (n.d.). Analyzing Workflow for a Health IT Implementation. Retrieved from:

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