Title Group decision making and communication technology, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Year 1992
Journal n/a
Summary The authors in detail give an in-depth analysis in regard to communication technology and group decision making. They have given a comparative analysis on the behavior of individuals conducting electronic meetings verses behaviors of the individuals holding face-to-face meetings. The individuals who are involved in the electronic meetings are noted to spend less time and resources to reach their verdict. While individuals who prefers to hold face-to-face meetings may take a long time to reach their verdict but are noted to have more comprehensive details.
What was the problem they were trying to address? The problem identified is that many people are still stack into the old fashioned way of communication. Regarding technology in research on decision making
How did they address the problem? They addressed the issue by emphasizing new technology not only allows the parties to reach the agreed decisions faster but also through new technology people are given an opportunity to do impossible or infeasible things they could not do with the old technology.
What theories, if any, were used? There were no theories that were used in the paper.
What were their findings? Regarding technology research in decision making in some situations it is only appropriate to convey electronic meetings as opposed to face-to-face meetings. Often electronic meetings are necessary when making urgent decisions that require fast thinking. However, when making complex decisions with multiparty negotiations with the problems being ill-defined it is appropriate to make face-to-face meetings.
What future research was discussed? Proposed study is the need to evaluate the decision quality that is evident by either using electronic communication or face-to-face discussion.
Full APA formatted citation Keisler, S. and L. Sproull. (1992) Group decision making and communication technology, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes (52), pp. 96-123.
Date of Review n/a
Author(s) Katherine J. Stewart and Sanjay Gosain
Title The Impact of Ideology on Effectiveness in Open Source Software Development Teams,
Year 2006
Journal n/a
Summary The work in detail demonstrates an understanding on the open source software. In particular what attributes to the effective development in the OSS development teams in the absence of formal controls. The framework examined in the OSS community ideology (specific norms, values and beliefs). The model illustrates how the tenets of OSS ideology helps in motivation behaviors that ensures there is trust development to enhance cognitive trust and communication quality and encourage identification among team members which results to trust.
What was the problem they were trying to address? The authors main exploration was that OSS team members adherences to attaining the tenets of the OSS as it directly impacts the team effectiveness and reveals how different components impact effectiveness in several ways.
How did they address the problem? The paper addressed the inefficiency in the teams by advocating the use of ideological components that are noted to be effective in the teams in regard to attraction and retention.
What theories, if any, were used? Cognitive trust and communication in the team ensures team effectiveness.
What were their findings? Trust and effective communication impacts the OSS team effectiveness. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure theses components are maintained all the time.
What future research was discussed? There is need to ensure despite the team effectiveness of the teams regarding retaining input but noted to be detrimental to the output of the team. Therefore, it is important to minimize the output implications.
Full APA formatted citation Stewart, K. J. and Sanjay G. (2006) The Impact of Ideology on Effectiveness in Open Source Software Development Teams, MIS Quarterly (30:2), pp. 291-314.
Date of Review n/a
Author(s) Chidambaram, Laku and Lai Lai Tung
Title Is Out of Sight, Out of Mind? An Empirical Study of Social Loafing in Technology-Supported Groups
Year 2005
Journal n/a
Summary The article expounds on the tendency of the members in the group than their potential. This has been identified as a problem by many people. Two factors of Social Impact Theory (SIT) have been identified to explain the situation. The dilution effect and immediacy gap. Moreover, the article further explains at times the group outputs were significantly less than individual inputs that were contributed which results to many people feeling they have not contributed as expected.
What was the problem they were trying to address? Group behavior social loafing where many group members are doing significantly less that they are expected to do this result to the groups contributing less output.
How did they address the problem? There is need for the groups to ensure the people are able to contribute as per their capability. Therefore, there is need to have smaller groups were many people can get accountable to the activities.
What theories, if any, were used? Notion of integrative complexity
What were their findings? The quality of input determines the quality of output. Therefore, there is need to ensure the people in the groups have the capability to deliver to their full maximum in the groups assigned.
What future research was discussed? The need to explain the relationship between the group individuals input and the evident group output.
Full APA formatted citation Chidambaram, L and Lai Lai Tung (2005). Is Out of Sight, Out of Mind? An Empirical Study of Social Loafing in Technology-Supported Groups, Information Systems Research (16:2), pp. 149-168.
Date of Review n/a
Author(s) BhattacherjeeTitle Social science research: principles, methods, and practices,
Year 2012
Journal n/a
Summary The article gives a clear guidance on the different research approaches that scientists may decided to take. It is critical to have the right kind of research design so as to ensure the data collected is reliable and valid. The author also in detail gives an overview of the data collection and analysis both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Finally the last element the author discussed was the ethical complications that are attached to the research process by the researcher.
What was the problem they were trying to address? The need for the researchers to ensure they apply the right kind on researcher methodologies to ensure they are capable to produce competent results.
How did they address the problem? The problem was addressed by providing the researchers with the right steps to undertake so as to ensure they are capable to produce the correct and credible results.
What theories, if any, were used? none
What were their findings? It is possible to produce the right kind of data that is needed only if the researchers are willing to follow all the necessary steps that are expected of the researchers.
What future research was discussed? The need to ensure all the researchers have the capabilities to produce the right kind of data without any ethical complications.
Full APA formatted citation Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research: principles, methods, and practices, Chapter 11, 13, and 14.
Date of Review n/a
Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research: principles, methods, and practices, Chapter 11, 13, and 14
*Chidambaram, L. &Lai Lai Tung (2005) Is Out of Sight, Out of Mind? An Empirical Study of Social Loafing in Technology-Supported Groups, Information Systems Research (16:2), pp. 149-168.
Keisler, S. &L. Sproull. (1992) Group decision making and communication technology, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes (52), 1992, pp. 96-123
Stewart, K.J. &Sanjay G. (2006)The Impact of Ideology on Effectiveness in Open Source Software Development Teams, MIS Quarterly (30:2), pp. 291-314.
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