Marks, Jaime; Bun Lam Chun, & McHale M. Susan 2009. Family Patterns of Gender Role Attitudes. Sex Roles. 61(3-4): 221-234.
Study goals were to identify family patterns of gender role attitudes, to examine the conditions under which these patterns emerged, and to assess the implications of gender attitude patterns for family conflict. Participants were mothers, fathers, and first- and second-born adolescents from 358 White, working and middle-class US families. Results of cluster analysis revealed three gender role attitude patterns: egalitarian parents and children, traditional parents and children, and a divergent pattern, with parents more traditional and children more egalitarian. Mixed-model ANOVAs indicated that these family patterns were related to socioeconomic status, parents' time spent in gendered household tasks and with children, and the gender constellation of the sibling dyad. The traditional family group reported the most family conflict.
Keywords: gender, family systems, socialization, child effects
Baril, E. Megan. E., Crouter, C. Anne. & McHale, M. Susan. 2007. Processes linking adolescent well-being, marital love, and co-parenting. Journal of Family Psychology, 21(4): 645-654.
This study examined co-parenting in a sample of 177 two-parent families with firstborn adolescents by using annual home interview data from mothers, fathers, and adolescents. With a path-analytic approach and with earlier problem behaviors controlled for, co-parenting conflict predicted relative increases in adolescent risky behavior over 2 years. In addition, evidence for 2 types of mediation was found. Marital love mediated the link between adolescents' early risky behavior and co-parenting 1 year later, and co-parenting conflict mediated the link between marital love and adolescents' risky behavior 1 year later. Linkages did not emerge for co-parenting cooperation or triangulation. Interventions that are focused on the marital and coparental relationships in families with adolescents may modify trajectories of adolescent risky behavior.
Hardesty Jennifer L.; Crossman, Kimberly A.; Khaw, Lyndal; & Raffaelli, Marcela. 2016. Marital Violence and Coparenting Quality After Separation. Journal of Family Psychology. 30(3): 320-330.
Research has identified multiple predictors of coparenting quality, but few studies have investigated how intimate partner violence (IPV) affects divorcing couples coparenting relationships. We addressed this question in a sample of 154 mothers with different marital IPV experiences. Mothers were recruited within four months of a divorce filing and completed two interviews three months apart. At Time 1, mothers reported on violence and coercive control during marriage, and postseparation behavioral (e.g., parental communication), emotional (e.g., anger), and intrusion (e.g., harassment) dynamics; at Time 2, they reported on coparenting quality (i.e., levels of support and conflict). In the overall sample, divorce and violence variables independently predicted coparenting quality. Mothers were then classified into three groups: no violence (NV; n = 74), situational couple violence (SCV; n = 46), or coercive controlling violence (CCV; n = 34). Of the three, coparenting quality was lowest in the CCV group. While the SCV group was similar to the NV group on most divorce-related variables, the CCV group reported more hostility at separation and placed less importance on father-child relationships. Finally, patterns of association between study variables and co-parenting quality showed some parallels between the SCV and NV groups. For CCV, postseparation harassment and fear were negatively associated with coparenting quality. Findings contribute to understanding predictors of coparenting quality and support the need for individualized assessments of divorce cases with attention to IPV dynamics.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Attitudes, F. P. (2009). Jaime Marks; Lam Chun Bun; and Susan M. McHale. Sex Roles, 61(3-4): 221234.
Baril, M. E. (2007). Processes linking adolescent well-being, marital love, and coparenting. Journal of Family Psychology, 21(4), 645-654.
Hardesty, J., Crossman, K., Khaw, L., & Raffaelli, M. (2016). Marital violence and coparenting quality after separation. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(3): 320-330.
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