A research proposal is primarily perceived as the core framework within which the development of a comprehensive project is based. The statement of purpose, objectives and the organization of the study vividly stipulates the prerequisite guidelines along which the study ought to be successfully carried out. For instance, in this study, the researcher outlined the purpose of the survey as the situation analysis of the child poverty in Nigeria with a particular motive of comprehending the underlying social policies, child health, and poverty eradication mechanisms. The exposition of the underlying study problem and the modalities of addressing it owing to the significance it poses to the society significantly creates the fundamental interest to the donors or the agencies concerned.
Child health, poverty alleviation, and social policies create a point of interest in various governmental and non-governmental organizations (Isaacs, 2016). The social health departments of government are primarily concerned with the well-being and institution of child welfare platforms. The establishment of these health arms serves as the foundation for ensuring the children rights are ethical upheld. Since the mandates and deliberations of the social health government agencies encompass the aspect of poverty eradication and health concerns, they primarily pose a room for potential agencies for funding this project. Similarly, the non-governmental organizations which mostly capitalizes on fighting poverty by empowering the minority and campaigning against child abuse also constitutes the potential donors for this project. Expounding the problematic concern and the significance of this study forms the basis for evaluation of the potential benefits of the proposed framework. Sound health for the children, the institutionalization of child-friendly social guidelines and the fight against poverty significantly form the platform within which the social agencies operate. The evaluation of the underlying determinants of child abuse, social policies, child malnutrition, and performance of governmental and non-governmental bodies in the fight against poverty was the specific objectives of this study. On this note, the agencies as mentioned earlier have a vital deliberation role in line with the stipulated project specifics since the findings and recommendations will primarily capitalize on addressing the scope of their functions.
Articles and journals are mainly published based on the discipline of the study, the funding agency (governmental or non-governmental or the general public consumption materials which are embedded on the social websites based on the scope. Based on the conceptual development of this proposal, the projected findings will primarily inform the social agencies on the key determinants of social policies, the extent of child abuse, malnutrition and health adversaries as articulated by the study participants. The findings of the survey will also provide vital information to policymakers and social agencies to either consolidate the approaches of instituting poverty eradication and child health improvement measures. More so, the results of the study will also add to the existing body of knowledge on the issue of social policies deliberation and child welfare. On the scope assessment, the original context of this study is mainly social health concerns with a broad focus on child nutritional status and poverty alleviation. Based on this social and health context of the article, the appropriate peer review journal setting is either health or social discipline since the paper content is essential for the general public, professionals, governmental and non-governmental agencies consumption.
Audience preference, impact factor, and ranking is also crucial aspects of consideration in the publication of journals and articles (Sharma, Sarin, Gupta, Sachdeva, & Desai, 2014). The impact factor is used to assess the relative vital issues of a journal in its context and also evaluates the frequency of citation incidences of an average article in a journal. and also evaluates the frequency of citation incidences of an average article in a journal.
Isaacs, D. (2016). Poverty and child health. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52(12), 1119-1119. doi:10.1111/jpc.13415
Sharma, M., Sarin, A., Gupta, P., Sachdeva, S., & Desai, A. (2014). Journal Impact Factor: Its Use, Significance and Limitations. World Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 13(2), 146. doi:10.4103/1450-1147.139151
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