The Shakespeare work, Hamlet, presents authors crude conventionality of the character relationship in developing the prose of his artistic work. The dominant perception of the integral part of the character relations and the contextual personality is vividly expounded via different personality. Hamlets relationship with Ophelia is primarily evident embodying different instances that baffle in characterizing the exact kind of inner motives that Hamlet harbors for Ophelia taking into account his ideology and perception on women and sexuality.
Love is perceived as the affectionate sentiment towards someone or something. This view can be articulated in different approach taking into consideration the tangible and the intangible factors that are attributed to expression of love. The love between Hamlet and Ophelia is presented in various playwright instances as a controversial love though in some cases the author baffles the audience since the comprehension of how the two felt for each other is inexplicable. Contextually, none of the parties is at a position of making the verdict on the originality of the approach they can presume to steer their love to the next level despite the besieging factors. Hamlets relationship with his mother jeopardizes his sentiments and affectionate feelings he harbors for Ophelia since it tars his images of women in general. The complexity of their relationship is evident where Hamlets father dies leading his mother to remarry his uncle thus limiting his capacity to articulate his love for Ophelia. More so, Ophelia's love for Hamlet is constrained by the fact that her father, Polonius is a critique of their relationship subject to his interest. Ophelia's dad primarily harbors the interest of maintaining power in his family thus couldnt figure his daughter marrying Hamlet an instance which could imply the shift of power from his family to the royal family. This interest suppresses Ophelias interest of revealing his love for Hamlet publicly thus making the duo to conceal their love affair from anyone. The significant role played by Hamlets mother who is depicted traitorously in the play cannot be disputed. The fact that his mother didnt prove loyal to his father renders him harbor a different feeling towards his cherished lovely Ophelia by destroying her with the inner sentiments when he presumes to feature as his fathers mouthpiece.
The author presents different instances of love expression between Hamlet and Ophelia though controversial contextually. In the first place, Hamlet says to Ophelia that I did love you once and then proceeds to contradict himself on the same due to his significant fear of the people who overheard the same. In this scenario, Hamlet fears the individuals who heard him disclose his love for Ophelia could relay the same to Polonius thus contradictorily tells her that she could not have believed him since he loved her not. We reflectively figure the love aspects via the gifts pimping instances attested in the play where Hamlet offers the lot to Ophelia. The second case of the duo expressing their love is captured at the end of the play where Hamlet is hit by the news of his lovers (Ophelia) death. In this instance, Hamlet is heard stating that even forty thousand brothers love additively consolidated could not match nor reach the threshold of the love he had for Ophelia (Act 5). This significantly expounds the mutual feelings of love Hamlet held inwardly for Ophelia though the besieging forces, ego, and the family interest significantly hindered the publicity of their feelings. More so, Hamlets mental dissatisfaction with his mother created a heaty perception of women and Ophelia also due to the fallacious notion that he significantly held. The feelings gyrate around the instance of him having been a victim of the treacherous act by Getrude whom he loved since the memories torture his mind drawing situations from the tender feelings his father held for his mother. In the articulation of his disgust towards the queen, Hamlet uses the fragile and innocent Ophelia as an outlet. This greatly baffles the audience on the exact feelings that Hamlet harbors for Ophelia since real love has to do with a constant expression of the sentiment rather than exploitation of the own innocence. Presumably, the asserted madness takes the better part of Hamlet since he seems to have feelings towards Ophelia but hardly expresses the desire for her figuring the scenario where he begs to lie on her lap but the latter results in a state of him getting lost in the demeanor fog.
Character perception is a significant tool that the author has employed in developing the interactive roles in Hamlet. The playwright has elaborately used Hamlets treatment and ideas about women to allude and generalize different issues in the play. Firstly, Hamlet is depicted to have a significant negative attitude and loathe for women in general. This is primarily evident in the instances where he alludes to the traitorous attribute of his mother despite the tenderness and concerted love that his father had for him where he rushes to marry his uncle just a slight period after his father passes. More so, the author expounds Hamlets hatred for women citing the treacherous act exhibited by his loggerhead friend Getrude and the Claudius scenario comparatively projected in line with his mothers actions. The betrayal thematic concern developed in this excerpt gives the author a proxy platform figuring the vengeful feeling that Hamlet holds against the women. This sentiment contributes to a greater extent to his madness presumption thus making him use Ophelia to steer his facade sanity actions progressively. The innocence Ophelia is presented to have been prone to use as an outlet by Hamlet in articulating his hatred for women because he holds them as disloyal. The character harbors contempt towards the women. Owing to the cold hearted treatment, he perceives from the motherly instance about his father; Hamlet tremendously critiques this infidelity by expressing his disgust towards the queen via Ophelia. The protagonist views women as very fragile and too dependent characters on men. These frustrations and pains that Hamlet holds against women owing to the moral weakness and the lack of binding trust. Hamlet criticizes women asserting that Frailty, thy name is woman a sentiment that contextually expressed to articulate the dependency act of women disgracefully. Evidently, the subjugation of women by the forces besieging them depicts a vice that Hamlet stands against figuring the suppression of their emotions by Polonius. The author expounds Ophelias feelings for Hamlet which falls into the jaws of her fathers jealous due to royalty line sustenance. Ophelia paves room for her father to use her having an antagonistic sentiment in Hamlet who is not a misogynist but rather appears to be opposed to patriarchy.
In summary, Ophelias relationship with Hamlet as in Hamlet as presented by the author seems complicated figuring the parameters surrounding their feelings which significantly limit their modalities of association. Also, the predominant negative perception and ideologies of Hamlet against women taint their relationship as it significantly features as the fundamental point of the authors thematic development.
Shakespeare, W. (n.d.). INTRODUCTION. Hamlet, ix-lxviii. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511704130.002
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