The youths in the society should be taken care of as they are the leaders of tomorrow. Several measures have been put in place to make sure that the youths in our society are taken great care of and hence growing responsibly; although some of the methodologies are said to be harmful to them. Several systems, therefore, have been put in place to take care of the maltreated from misconducts in the society. In that connection, juvenile neglect involves the crossover youths who are also termed to be the fully involved, how rather the so-called multi-system youths. Therefore, all these terms refer to the badly-treated youths who have engaged themselves in misconducts and criminal offenses (Herz et al., 2010)
According to Herz et al. (2012), it is about 92% of the crossover youth who induce themselves in delinquency and therefore are subjected to the professional systems such as the juvenile justice and the child welfare. Moreover, most of the badly-treated youths engage themselves in more criminal offenses and misconducts compared to general population youths (Ryan, 2012). Therefore, this shows that, if the parents and guardians mistreat the youths, then they are at a higher risk of inducing them into delinquency practices. To protect this youthfully from these criminal offenses and misconducts, a Crossover Youth Practice Model has been established to manage and ease control the crossover youths in both the Juvenile Justice and the Child Welfare Professional systems (Stewart et al. 2010)
Any society experiences two types of youths; the crossover youths, who have been mistreated in the society, and the other youths from the general population. Mostly, the crossover youths are said to engage in misconducts and criminal offenses and therefore offer problems in developmental outcomes in the society in general (Ryan, 2012). Therefore, to cope with these youths, there has been an introduction and the existence of professionals such as the Juvenile Justice and the Child welfare systems who control and manage their behavior in the society (Stewart, 2010). Therefore, this shows that the youths in the society have not been neglected to the extent of bringing extensive misconducts in the society. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that there requires an improvement in these correction systems since at some occasions they worsen the situation of the crossover youths to be taken care of. According to Williams et al. (2013), involving the crossover youths in both the Juvenile Justice and the Child welfare systems can expose these youths to more additional risks. These risks include educational problems, stigmatization, mental health and less probation.
This youth protection systems are designed to safeguard and enhance protection to the youths in the society. According to the law, these youths should be protected from harm or harming other people and hence boosting developments. Since there exists a problem in the society concerning the youths and the young generation, everyone is entitled to report any abuse or abuser for them to be taken care of. Stewart et al. (2010) also suggest that for these systems to work better, the CYPM should be available to manage the continuous change and bettering of these systems to serve the involved collaboratively without harming them or exposing them to more risks. This, therefore, would better the situation of the youths being involved and reduce the exposure to more risk and better them from the situation they are in.
Moreover, there should also exist a procedure to know how these professional systems are maintained and run. This is to ensure that there is a great relationship between these professionals to change their feeling and their view about the concerned youth. It is also suggestive that major implementations are periodically made in the CYPM to ensure that it manages the professional systems well to ensure there accurate and better services to avoid torture to the youths, which may increase their risks than before. Their workers should be fully supported and offered special training in this aspect, and hence this can assist in improving the outcomes of these youths involved. By the end of the whole session, the main goal and aim should be bettering and affecting the youths in these systems. Hoeve (2010), argues that all these systems have different mandates and very different views on these youths. Therefore, in the production of their services, each system should offer the best regardless of their view.
In general, all the measures put in place by all these systems to care for the youths should provide positive outcomes. Herz et al. (2010), oppositely argues that exposing the youths and the young generation to these systems places them to additional risk, which is different. This is because they receive harsher treatment than the other general population youths. Therefore, the main goal and aim of the CYPM and these systems are to reduce all the misconducts and criminal offenses of the badly treated youths. Therefore, the CYPM is a well and effective approach to reducing the risks of these youths.
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