The market today for most business organizations operating in differing industries is characterized by a high level of competition (Layton, et al. 2011). As such, there is a heightened demand by most companies to produce distinctive products in the market for all customers (Axtell & Fellows 2014). Such a need for uniqueness has been derived by the elevated number of corporations producing substitute products in the market. Consequently, most organizations have found the need to promote creativity and innovation among all their staff members as a competitive strategy to develop unique products in the market (Deschamps 2009; Sloane 2007). This research was focused on determining whether good leadership by organizational leaders can have a significant impact on the creativity and innovation of employees.
In addition, the research was undertaken because there exists a gap in the literature in determining how the various strategies of leadership can be employed to influence creativity and innovation amongst personnel functioning in an organization. Additionally, there is an elevated need for such information because of the numerous organizations producing substitute products has heightened the level of competition for the products in the available. Consequently, this has also influenced the prices of various products in the market by creating a reduction in the retail prices for such items. As such, the findings attained from this research will offer business organizations a guideline on the various strategies that can be used by employees to develop unique products for the available competitive market.
The Goals, Objectives, and Considerations Made During the Research
There were three research objectives that were employed for this study. They included an investigation on whether leadership promotes or discourages creativity as well as the research on how the various business administration practices affect the creativity of personnel in an organization. Additionally, the third research objective was the analysis of the impact of the leader-subordinate relationship on the creative and innovative process of personnel in an organization. The three goals and objectives were sufficiently fulfilled from the research through the executive of a comprehensive literature analysis on publications that portray how leadership impacts on innovation and creativity in a corporation.
Moreover, the resources used in the literature analysis include business journals, newspapers, and magazines that were relevant for the study. Additionally, a comprehensive research survey focused on the impact of leadership on innovation and creativity of employees in an organization was also performed. The participants of the research were 100 employees and 10 managers from various corporations that were randomly chosen for the research. Additionally, the findings attained from the survey provide a rich insight on how good leadership can be employed by organizational leaders to boost their employees creativity. Also, the ethical considerations of anonymity and autonomous were offered to the research participants to promote the integrity of the findings collected.
In this case, the interviewer did not expose or published the names of the sample populations participants, and he also ensured that all the participants had an informed consent of the particulars of the research study. In addition, the other ethical issues that were included in the research included honesty and integrity. In this case, the research participants, both the researcher and sample participants, offered a consent to uphold honesty and integrity while providing information pertaining the research and findings. Lastly, objectivity as an ethical issue was upheld in the execution of the research. This means that all the findings of the research were reported truthfully and without any form of biases. Additionally, objectivity was specifically focused on the provision of aspects such as research design, data interpretation, as well as data analysis.
As such, the findings that leadership can influence creativity and innovation capabilities of employees were based on factual findings. Also, the face-to-face interview technique was employed to attain information from the research respondents. This method supported the reliability and validity of the attained findings because it permitted an accurate screening of the respondents by the interviewer (Dong 2017). The method was also chosen because it allowed the interview to understand the non-verbal communication expressed by the interviewees among other reasons. For these reasons, this research was sufficient in attaining the correct findings for the three stated goals and objectives.
Discussion of How the Research Addressed and Secured Sufficient Findings of the Research Goals and Objectives
Moreover, the aims and objectives of the study were supported by various theories, such as the leader-member exchange theory. The theory portrayed that the relationships between employees and their supervisors are effective in promoting the creativity as well as innovation of employees in an organization. In this case, the leader-member exchange theory portrayed that relationships between the employees and personnel occur in three stages, which are role-taking, role-making as well as routinization. The three stages of the theory perceived leadership to be an implied consensus of all participants within an organization (Ray 2013). In this case, the participants are the leader and his/her organizational personnel.
Additionally, the leader-member exchange theory portrayed that the higher the quality of the relationships between managers and staff, the higher the level of the staffs creativity as well as innovation. Moreover, the leader-member exchange theory is primarily based on employees factors such as work performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment as well as the staffs well-being. Moreover, the four are factors that define whether the personnel in an organization can execute their functions optimally. As such, a manager who ensures that his/her employees attain such factors promotes their abilities to be innovative and inventive in an organization.
Also, the impact of leadership in promoting the creativity as well as innovation of the staff members was also supported by the transformational leadership theory. The theory was invented by James McGregor Burns. Moreover, it was characterized to be a theory where leaders and followers support each other as a way of securing better levels of motivation as well as morality in an organization. Bernard Bass later made modifications to the theory in which case he stated that a good leader should structure clear goals, offer assistance and recognition as well as inspire his/her employees to reach greater heights (Bass & Riggio 2006). Bass argument on the transformation leadership theory portrayed that good leadership can stimulate an increased performance of workers in an organization.
This can be achieved through the innovative and creative nature of the employees in an organization. Moreover, according to the theory, organizational leaders who are transformational can immensely influence the goals of their employees by offering them the confidence of working beyond the parameters of their employment contracts. In addition, the transformational leadership theory is focused on the empowerment of the organizational personnels mentality, and it also elevates their intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, from the research, the positive impact of proper leadership on the creativity and innovation process of employees was also supported by the transactional theory of leadership. The theory focuses on leaders offer various incentives to their staff as a way of promoting loyalty and improved performance.
In such a case, a transactional leader could offer his/her personnel rewards such as salary increments, promotions, good performance reviews as well as new responsibilities among others. In the transactional leadership theory, leaders only offer the rewards or performance incentives to their employees when the preset goals are achieved (Winkler 2010). Consequently, this sparkles healthy competition among employees in an organization, which is characterized by innovation and creativity, in an effort to secure the promised rewards. Moreover, the research illustrated that leaders use such incentives as a way of motivating their employees by eradicating barriers to creative and innovative performance in an organization.
In addition, the research also ascertained that good leadership functions as a catalyst for enhancing the performance of all work processes in an organization. As such, it was determined that leaders must offer their employees proper guidance on how to execute their respective roles sufficiently. This is through effective motivation and communication to the organizations personnel, as a way of enhancing their creativity and performance of various organizational tasks and responsibilities. Additionally, Anderson, Potocnik, and Zhou (2014), supported the need for organizational leaders to train their staff on how to perform various organizational functions effectively. This is because employees can use the training to create new innovative ideas that can support an improved productivity of the employees (Anderson, Potocnik, & Zhou 2014)
Moreover, the research ascertained that organizational leaders have a cause and effect impact of the firms they operate. This is based on whether such leaders have good or bad leadership skills. It was also ascertained that the actions of leaders greatly influence the actions of people around them such as the employees. Furthermore, the good leadership roles for the staff that was supported by the research included the motivation of employees values and cultures, which are factors that define the organizations practices. Additionally, the motivation of personnel through good leadership practices can be effective in promoting a good attitude towards work by the organizational staff members, which also provides a good platform for the employees innovation and creativity.
During the research, it was also found out that Zubair and Kamal (2015) stated that good leadership by organizational leaders immensely influence the organizations culture. Zubair and Kamal (2015) also stated that good leadership influences the ability of an organization to achieve its goals in the long run. Additionally, it was ascertained that culture determines leadership, which then contributes to the improvement in performance. As such, it is evident that innovation is a significant part of an organizations objectives, which must also be incorporated in the leadership roles of the organizational leaders. In light of this argument, Zubair and Kamal (2015) stated that good organizational leaders must be open to employees. This is because such employees are good sources of innovative and creative ideas that can improve the overall performance of the organization.
The Findings Attained from the Research On How Managers Can Promote Employees Creativity and Innovation
Job satisfaction among the employees is a primary factor that can be employed by leaders promote the employees creativity and innovation in the workplace. From the research, it was determined that job satisfaction make personnel in an organization to become enthusiastic in executing the various roles and responsibilities assigned to them. Consequently, this aids in the development of a good environment where such persons functioning in an organization can be cr...
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