Siu-Mei working in the geriatric unit is not keen when dispensing her services to the clients and hence the massive damages and risk of patient's life. The complaint from the patient and his family following her reluctance to respond to the call bells tarnishes the name of the institution. She is also not a cooperative person, so all other employees are not interested in working with her. She gives excuses not to show up at work and from the trend, the public holidays are the hot-spot for her excuses. She seems careless in handling her responsibilities which undermines the codes and ethics that guide medical practitioners while dispensing their services to their clients. The habits of Sui-Mei have to be managed in time before a manager tragedy occurs and the institution acquires low rating. The paper shall focus on analyzing the scenario and providing a solution to Sui-Mei's problem to help improve the situation at the word.
A Healthcare Assistant works under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner or in some cases they are referred to as the nurse assistants. Siu-Mei was supposed to work under a competent person and follow instructions as guided as required. Management is one of the vital elements that aligns organizations to continue chasing its goals and meeting its objectives (Nadrifar, Bandani, & Shahryari, 2015). This aspect makes management the core of each successful organization. From the scenario, Siu-Mei has not been provided with adequate management which includes supervision of a qualified practitioner. Siu-Mei has performed the same mistakes for the past nine months, but nothing punitive has been moved against which have made her reluctant in carrying out her duties as required by the hospital. It may also be due to the failure by the management to address her concerns which make her careless in dispensing her services. One of the classical management theory that can be used is the administrative management theory, which helps in accomplish six primary goals. The goals include coordination, prediction of outcomes and events, planning, organizing various working programs, commanding implementers of the decision by the management, and finally monitoring the progress (Yang, Liu, & Wang, 2013). The goals are guided by fourteen principles, one of them is work specialization which according to Henry Fayol who came up with the theory, helps people to become experts in performing a particular role (Nadrifar et al., 2015). Siu-Mei could be resentful due to facts that different units of the facility leave her to carry out different roles, with some which she might not be comfortable. It could be beneficial to allow her to work under a single unit in the hospital, especially where she is passionate. This order could be a form of specialization, and it will allow her to improve her performance at the geriatric work. Her resentment could be arising from seeing other practitioners performing specific duties while she is left to cover up for various physicians after accomplishing their roles.
Another principle under the administrative management theory that Fayol exposed was the authority, which means the capacity to give orders and directions (Nadrifar et al., 2015). The management at the hospital should be authoritative enough to make employees perform their roles as required. Siu-Mei has neglected her role may be due to the reluctance of the management to set-up in its function of giving strict orders and issuing punishment to the employees who fail in their mandate. From the scenario, the control has not been mentioned as having made efforts to establish the reasons for Siu-Mei misconduct. Therefore, the management has to determine the problem from Siu-Mei perspective to instill the discipline (another principle) required for the success of the organization.
Management bureaucratic theory is another classical theory that was proposed by Max Weber, which suggests that institutions need to establish a comprehensive procedure for the operation to align the tasks (Nadrifar et al., 2015). The first principle of this theory is the formulation of regulations which can be observed by each employee while serving the clients in the organization. Siu-Mei may be ignorant of the rule guiding the facility, or the management is reluctant in following them. For this reason, the management has to refer to its functional regulation for employee and sensitize Siu-Mei, which will also include the consequences for breaking any. The rules are designed in a way that will make it easier to meets the objectives of the institution. Siu-Mei has to be reminded of the goals, for instance, providing quality care to the patients who will attract more patients and hence make more profits. The penalties for particular conducts and misconducts should be clear to ensure Siu-Mei takes responsibility for her actions. Another principle is a working system of relations among the employees to foster unity and teams work (Nadrifar et al., 2015). Siu-Mei has been reported to avoid teamwork and neglect her delegated duties or recklessly perform them. The system of relationships helps to connect tasks within the organization which makes it easier to identify a problem and creates a solution. Siu-Mei has been doing things her way and probably not reporting to anybody what she does which makes it hard for the system to detect an error. People who are placed on the same shift with her feel unfortunate, and this is a reason to mend the situation before a horrible scenario precipitates.
Management in the institution is meant to create a fair platform for each employee to exploit their full potential (Olum, 2004). The platform allows the employees to contribute toward the achievement of the organization's objective as stipulated in their job description. In the management system, for instance, the superintendent is the top manager in the hospital while the supervisor is a manager at a lower level (Dunn, & Haimann, 2010). This idea can help in solving the situation that Siu-Mei has created and helped prevent any future challenges. The top level management is responsible for establishing policies that should be followed by the other level of control. However, the other management levels need to provide the data required to develop the policies, since they are the ones on the ground encountering the problems that need to be addressed. For our case study, the people who work with Siu-Mei should help collect the data concerning the problems she has caused in the facility and allow the top management to analyze and develop guidelines that will stop such conducts. For instance, since Siu-Mei complaints of minor issues such as a headache and back pain particularly when its on public holidays, a policy should be designed to compel people of such behavior to produce a medical report of their situation. They should also be obliged to prove that they visited a physician on the same. Without meeting such requirements, Siu-Mei should be considered absent without reason and hence should be punished as stipulated working laws.
Managers require various skills to able to handle their task efficiently which include; conceptual, designing skills which help to solve the problems that institutions face (Olum, 2004). The second one is the human skill that empowers the manager with abilities to work with any people. The third one is technical expertise that aligns the proficiency of the manager in procedures, processes, and various methods that are demanded at the facility. Finally, a manager needs conceptual skills that allow him to have a bigger picture of the whole situation (Darr, 2011). For instance, observe the trends and predict the outcomes. This skills will help in changing some working procedures due to changing times which requires employees to become more efficient. Siu-Mei has been reckless in her mandate, for instance, almost choked a patient in the ward while feeding him. She almost fell a patient on the floor while giving him a bed bath. Siu-Mei when asked about such incidences, she did not seem to care so much and this from a conceptual perspective it is an indicator of a pending tragedy that may land the hospital in legal troubles. In such case, it is important to terminate the contract of Siu-Mei or ask her to change her attitude towards work at the hospital.
Competitive advantage is a concept that is used by an organization to market its products in the industry and that it may be considered the best in whatever it does (Raduan, Jegak, Haslinda, & Alimin, 2009). With competitive advantage, firms can attract more clients and make more profit from offering their services. When they underperform, other organizations take the chance to rise. In our scenario, the conduct of Siu-Mei lowers the position of the hospital by getting bad reviews from visiting clients. Her actions scare people looking for geriatric services which can consequently affect the demands of services from other units of the hospital. This problem can be solved by one of the human resources theories such as organizational behavior. Organizational behavior allows institutions to come up with procedures for carrying out daily activities (Education & Robbins, 2011). For instance, one of the behaviors that an organization can have is teamwork that should be promoted by each person within the organization. Siu-Mei can be introduced into such behavior to learn that activities within a hospital are interdependent and that without proper teamwork bad things are bound to happen. The outcome will be an improvement in the quality of care within the geriatric unit. The same idea is promoted by the systems approach which suggests that organization's activities are interdependent (Mele, Pels, & Polese, 2010). The same is echoed by the contingency theories which indicate that no single system is independent (Hickman, 1998 and Donaldson, 2006). It also recommends that each unit can be administered differently but work towards a common goal. Siu-Mei can be considered as a special case and be monitored and guided differently from other employees until she reforms to function as the other employees which mean becoming part of the larger system.
In conclusion, management of organizations requires the manager to be skilled and be bold in implementing the best decision. Siu-Mei has been reckless in dispensing her services despite not being mischievous when it comes to public holidays absenteeism with lame excuses. The organization needs to model it working mechanism, model Siu-Mei to fit the hospitals working procedures or ask her to leave the service due to her inadequacy and not willing to adjust.
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Raduan, C. R., Jegak, U., Haslinda, A., & Alimin, I. I. (2009). Management, strategic management theories and the linkag...
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