A group should at least comprise three individuals and at most twelve individuals. A group comprises three crucial components. These components are, their objective or goal, mutual influence that the members have on each other, and their size. The individuals in a group interact with one another to achieve certain goal or goals and each member has a capacity to influence another member or members towards a certain direction (Moreland & Myaskovsky, 2000). The limited number of members in a group ensures that they all participate. This ensures that the participation level is equal. A group is different from a team since the latter possesses some qualities that groups do not have and thus should not be confused. In a team, members should be committed to one another, and have a feeling of belonging. This shapes their identity collectively and ensures successful attainment of the set goals.
One can easily differentiate a group from three or more people sitting together by looking at the level of interdependence among those individuals. Members of a group rely on each other. This dependency ensures that the existence of the group remains with a focus of attaining the set goals (Moreland & Myaskovsky, 2000). To achieve the set objectives, each member needs the efforts of others. For example, in volleyball, even if one member is the best volleyball player in the world, he still needs the other four teammates to win a game. The likelihood of him winning alone is negligible. For a group to exist, interaction among the members is important (Yiqian & Jenefer, 2006). This interaction is always purposeful. Interaction in a group results to norms creation within the group, strong relationships among the members, and definition of various roles that each participant must attend. When a group forms, members exchange their contacts so that communication amongst them flows easily (Yiqian & Jenefer, 2006). This relates to setting meeting time, and notifications on the progress of their tasks. Additionally, purposeful group should strive to ensure that the emerging problems do not disorganize, the roles designated to members acted on time, and trust among the members exists.
Leadership in groups is normally of complex nature. Efficient and effective group leaders must be flexible. Flexibility, which many ignore, helps a leader to change course when new needs in a group arises. The life cycle and members in a group experience natural changes that no member has control over. To adapt to these changes, a good leader needs to formulate an accommodative and reasonable style of leadership that fits the new members and the natural changes (Timothy R. Kayworth, 2015). Styles of leadership tend to be three. These are, authoritarian, laissez faire, and democratic. In laissez faire style, the leader does not have a lot of control whereas in the authoritarian type, the leader in a group has most control. The democratic relies on compromise and voting to make their decision. The preference of the majority carries the day (Timothy R. Kayworth, 2015). It is worth noting though is viewed as the best style; it ends up frustrating and making some members unhappy. One cannot argue that one leadership style is better than the other is. However, context, individual, and group situation are key factors to consider when a group is deciding on the type of leadership to adopt. An appropriate Leadership can ensure that each individual can give his thoughts and ideas independently without necessary relying on the groupthink.
Communication in business environment plays a great role in productivity of the employees. Diverse cultures meet in companies and industries hence the necessity by the management of these firms to encourage effective group communication irrespective of the employees cultural and social background. Effective methods need prescription by these organizations to encourage group communication. The ability of the participants to communicate leads to effectiveness of the overall group performance. When information flows freely in these institutions, misunderstandings among the participants are exhausted (Lovelace, Kay, Shapiro, L., Weingart, & R., 2001) . When the flow of communication in a group is poor, the work environment gets fractious. Workers and employees need to avoid unclear communication as this leads to failure by participants to play their roles. When group members fail to comprehend their specific job roles, productivity in a firm falls down. In reference to current changes in geographical location of team participants, embracing internet will ensure smooth running of various tasks. Even when the group dynamics are not concentrated in one locality, the management should ensure that the group participants communicate through the internet. Adoption of such a strategy in turn reflects positively in the productivity of an institution since the members of a group are in constant communication.
A common code of business etiquette in groups in the business environment is important hence the necessity to adhere to it. This ensures that the number of distractions and resentment feelings that occurs in these groups is minimal (Lovelace, Kay, Shapiro, L., Weingart, & R., 2001; Yiqian & Jenefer, 2006). When they are few, the process of communication in a business, tend to be not only productive but also collaborative. In addition, it is worth noting that, cohesive unit or group evolves when the members speak and dress in a professional manner; avoid politics that create divisions, and shy from topics and discussion that do not contribute towards achieving the set goals. Group members should observe etiquette and avoid gossip so that a productive communication environment is established (Yiqian & Jenefer, 2006). This motivates the group participants give their best in the roles assigned to them. Without respect, efficient communication cannot exist. Employees up the ladder need to set an example by respecting the low raking ones. This in turn result to optimal input on their side since a culture of belief where their opinions are valued develops. Group communication in business sectors should adhere to culture whereby all employees get a chance, encouraged to air their ideas and insights in meetings. This makes sure that productivity keeps on increasing. Different ideas in a group provide new ways to tackle emerging issues in a new dimension.
Almost in all phases of our lives, groups are always part of us, from estates playground, schools, churches, and, our work environment. The reason why we form these groups is to achieve certain goals. These goals are defined by our interests whether professional or personal, and reinforcing one another. Groups are essential in our life for a number of reasons. These include, saving our resources, time saving, success in our careers, and accomplishing progressive change in our social and political setup.
Lovelace, Kay, Shapiro, L., D., Weingart, & R., a. L. (2001). Maximizing Cross-Functional New Product Teams' Innovativeness and Constraint Adherence: A Conflict Communications Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 779-793.
Moreland, R. L., & Myaskovsky, L. (2000). Exploring the Performance Benefits of Group Training: Transactive Memory or Improved Communication? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117-133.
Timothy R. Kayworth, D. E. (2015). Leadership Effectiveness in Global Virtual Teams. Journal of Management Information system, 7-40 .
Yiqian, C., & Jenefer, P. (2006). Interactional context and willingness to communicate: A comparison of behavior in whole class, group and dyadic interaction. Systems, 480493.
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