Step 1: Purpose of Coaching
Coaching helps employees to learn in ways that can help them grow within the workplace. When managers coach their staff, their purpose is to increase effectiveness, broaden thinking, identify strengths, build up needs, and achieve goals. Lussier & Hendon (2016) affirm that coaching helps employees to succeed by monitoring their performance through giving feedback. Moreover, Raheja (2015) states that coaching contributes to the transfer of theory learning into practice. In my organization, employee X has been working as a consultant for one year. My intention for coaching him is to clarify what he is supposed to do and say during his work visit in another company. Additionally, my other purpose is to ensure that he is ready for the task that is ahead. It is going to be the first time that employee X will go for fieldwork in another company. He has to provide services to that company in regards to improving their employee performance. The coaching process will take one week. My primary focus on the employee would be achieving goals and skills. The specific goal that I have in mind is for the employee to acquire the necessary skills to provide expert opinion regarding how to improve the companys employee performance. More so, the skills that I need to coach employee X to develop includes communication skills, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and employee performance knowledge. I would engage the individual to identify their goals, skills, and other development opportunities by encouraging him to believe in himself. The encouragement will help employee X to embrace a positive attitude during the coaching process. Moreover, I would engage him by making him feel a sense of responsibility. Here, I would put the employee in a position of influence by allowing him to discover his potential. I would put him to the test by letting him explain to me how he is going to carry out the assigned task.
Step 2: Assessment
I will assess the employee based on his strengths and level of development. The assessment will be based on the experience and time that the employee has worked in the organization. During the past one year, he has exhibited strengths such as strong communication skills, commitment, confidence, and credibility. His development is at the junior level. More so, he performs on an average level. After joining our company, employee X has been handling in-house consulting services. However, the consulting service will be first he will carry out outside the firm. The style that would be efficient to help the employee achieve his identified goals and skills is transformational leadership. The reason is that the type of leadership style will give me a hand to lead through vision. Spahr (2015) avows that transformational leaders can coach individuals to reach their desired goals. Through transformational leadership, the relationship between the employee and I will be smooth in a way that we will work together to achieve the intended aspirations and skills. Pharion (2014) articulates that transformational leadership in coaching is significant because it cultivates positivity. As the author explains, transformational leadership has a high association with motivation whereby the leader can engage the follower to genuine commitment and involvement in the effort at hand.
Step 3: Clarification of Expectations and Parameters
During the coaching process, my role would be to build the effectiveness of the employee. Additionally, my other role would be to provide direction by concisely articulating the organizations goals. My other role would be to improve the employees performance by assessing his capabilities. As well, my responsibility will be to act as a role model for the employee as he enhances his skills and develops the preferred goals. On the other hand, his role would be to listen keenly and pay attention to whatever lesson he will learn. Regarding expectations, I expect the coaching process to be successful in a way that the employee will improve his skills. As well, employee X hopes to improve his performance. The learning opportunities that I could provide and the order in which they would be approached are described below.
Day 1
Interpreting phases of readiness the objective of the learning opportunity is for employee X to learn about what the coaching process will entail.
Day 2
Self-awareness the objective of the opportunity is for the worker to learn more about his character, feelings, and desires.
Day 3
Realization of goals - the objective of the opportunity is for the worker to work through achieving his desired goals.
Day 4
Realization of skills - the objective is for the worker to improve his abilities.
Day 5
Realization of strengths - the objective is for the worker to enhance his potency.
Day 6
Performance measures - the objective of the opportunity is for the worker to improve their performance.
Day 7
Reflection of practice the objective of the section is for the employee to reflect on what he has learned during the week.
The coaching best practice that I would apply is the coachee-centered relationship. Allen, Manning, Francis, and Gentry (2016) assert that in practice, the coach builds a rapport with the coachee through listening, reflecting, and creating a sense of safety. Indeed, the method will help me to build a strong relationship with the employee while considering his needs.
Step 4: Coaching Intervention
The coaching questions that I might develop to ensure that learning opportunities and interventions are applied as needed are listed below.
What do you want to achieve from the coaching session?
What do you want to change?
What progress have you made so far?
What has contributed to your success?
Are there any obstacles that stand in your way to achieving the desired goals?
What do you intend to improve?
Which options do you think you are ready to start working on from today?
What do you find most challenging?
If anything, what could you do differently?
How do you intend to enhance your skills?
How are you going to handle the consulting situation?
Do you feel comfortable handling the task?
What resources can help you achieve the task?
How motivated are you for the task ahead on a scale of one to ten?
What is the most sensible thing you have done this week?
Additional development opportunities such as e-learning and internet research might help to address my intended coaching goals in a manner that it will make employee X more competent in regards to his professional career. Ultimately, since development is an ongoing process, additional opportunities will help the employee continue to develop their skills and become more motivated.
Step 5: Observation
The observation methods that I will use to assess whether or not my coaching has been effective would be naturalistic observation and field experiment. I would observe on the job performance, results, and teamwork. Additionally, I would record the results on a daily basis. I would note down information such as decisions, action plans, agreements, indicators of positive or negative behavior, as well as areas that need improvement. Truxillo, Bauer, & Erdogan (2015) articulate that observation is mandatory because it allows the coach to make better sense of low or high performance. During the process, I would focus on the employees work and my reaction to his performance. I would pay keen interests on his behavior, strengths, skills, and goals. I will conduct the observation method personally to ensure that I get first-hand information and knowledge about the employee.
Step 6: Feedback
I would give feedback to employee X by word of mouth. During the end of the workday, I would call the employee to my office to tell him which areas he has done well and those that need improvement. I would begin by stating the purpose and importance of the feedback. Then, I would describe what I have observed in the employee during the day. Next, I would describe my reactions and offer suggestions for improvement. Then, I would give the worker an opportunity to respond. I would ask him if he has any questions or points to add concerning the coaching process. Mader-Clark & Guerin (2016) affirm that since coaching is an ongoing evaluation, employees need continuous feedback and praise. During the feedback process, I would focus on describing the situation rather than passing judgment. It will prevent employee X from responding to the feedback defensively.
Allen, W. L., Manning, L., Francis, E. T., and Gentry, A. W. (2016). Best Practices for
Successful Coaching Engagements. Center for Creative Leadership. Retrieved from
Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2016). Human resource management: Functions, applications,
& skill development (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Mader-Clark, M., & Guerin, L. (2016). The Employee Performance Handbook: Smart Strategies
for Coaching Employees. California: Nolo.
Pharion, L. J. (2014). Transformational Leadership in Coaching. Retrieved from!etd.send_file?accession=ashland1413120189&disposition=inline
Raheja, K. (2015). Methods of Training and Development. Innovative Method of Business and
Management, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 35-41.
Spahr, P. (2015). What is Transformational Leadership? How New Ideas Produce Impressive
Results. St. Thomas University Online. Retrieved from
Truxillo, M. D., Bauer, N. T., & Erdogan, B. (2015). Psychology and Work: Perspectives on
Industrial and Organizational Psychology. London: Routledge.
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