Google pixel 2 XL smartphone was launched in early October of 2017. Google pixel comes with a 6-inch screen display accompanied by a resolution of 1440 by 2880 pixels at a PPI of 538 pixels per inch. The phone is powered by 1.9GHz octa-core QUALCOMM snapdragon of 835 processor and also come with 4GB of RAM (Faulkner, 1). Google pixel comes with 128GB internal storage which is not subject to expansion. The phone packs a 12.2- megapixel on the rear and 8-megapixel in the front camera. Google pixel is run by Android 8.0.0 and is powered by a non-removable battery of 3520mAh. It also comes with a dimension of 157.90*76.90*9.9 in height, width and thickness respectively. It weighs approximate 175.00grams.
Google pixel 2 XL is IP67 dust and water resistance which it can survive when being submerged in water for approximately 30 minutes. Moreover, its touchscreen boosts shatter as well as screen resistance Gorilla Glass 5. Regarding project Fi, the phone employs ESIM technology to switch network. The phone is designed with an active edge and compatible bezel which effectively triggers Google Al assistant, snapshots, silence phone call as well launching other application when its substantially squeeze (Faulkner, 1).
The Google pixel 2 XL, unfortunately, does not feature 3.5mm headphone jack. This translate that the user can either Bluetooth buds or buddle USB-C adapter. To enhance its performance, Google has incorporated front-facing stereo giving the Smartphone a boost in sound capability (Faulkner, 1). The phone also has a unique display with a new ratio of 18:9 and a distinct manufacturing process AMOLED with an amazing density of 538 psi. Pixel buds which comes in charging case offers a five hour of charge in few minutes which the case has the capability of independently supporting the battery up to 20 hours of charge.
Its impressive that the Pixel 2XL run on the most recent of Googles most reliable operating system, the Android 8 Oreo. It is armed with features that are absent in all the other Oreo-touting gargets. Its search bar has been relocated to the bottom of the screen that makes it easier to reach with the thumbs (Julian, pg 1). It has also been upgraded with a widget that briefs one with up to date upcoming calendar entries, weather and temperature and is also fitted with a transparent navigation as well as notification bar.
Pixel 2 XL is fitted with an on-device machine and a three-microphone technology that listen and identifying nearby tunes matching them with the corresponding links in the music play store. In addition to the astounding applications installed in the Google pixel phones, they are as well fitted with a picture-in-picture mode which is an auto-fill that aids you in remembering your password logins as well as a battery-optimizing charge manager that suppresses the background apps that could be misbehaving (Julian, pg 1). Pixel 2 XL can get the first new and the most recent upgrade of the Android version that guarantees for the first three years of the software upgrade.
Pixel 2 XL has AR Stickers fitted in the camera that aids in projecting the digital stickers onto the surfaces, as well as early partners including the Disney, Netflix, the NBA and the Saturday Night Live. Pixel 2 XL exceeds the Google giants since it is fitted with ARC ore, which is compatible other Androids past 7.0 taking advantage of projecting digital characters into the actual world allowing the phone of detect horizontal surfaces as well as familiarizing with surrounding ambient light (Julian, pg 1).
Work cited
Faulkner, Cameron. "Google Pixel 2 XL review." 2017, Accessed 31 Oct. 2017.Chokkattu, Julian. "Everything You Need To Know About The Google Pixel 2 And Pixel 2 XL." Digital Trends, 2017,
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