These artworks are an illustration and a photograph. The first piece is a painting in an advertisement done by Michele Robertson covered in BlogSpot. The other picture is a photo taken between February and March of the Holi festival. The design purpose for this is both informational and advertisement. The first one is the advertisement for the world children's day that is always celebrated on early June every year. This illustration was in front of the Today's Parent magazine. The second picture is of the Holi festival. The festival occurs every year. People gather on the streets having carried another pair of clothes due to the colors. The fun is hard to be avoided unless you are not happy with the culture. Surprisingly is that the colors do not come out of one's clothes and its usually associated with the lowest social class.
Michael Roberts has produced many artworks; he has produced many books of drawings and photography that has been celebrated by many Americans. He has been a writer, stylist, photographers, painter and the same time a video director. is also a website that accepts all the illustrations and photographs that can be completed at an annual photo contest that takes place every year. Currently, the application of sending photos is opening to anyone around the world. Despite the fact that the two artworks have some different skills used, I find some similarity and differences between the two.
One of the similarities is the celebratory mood of the artwork. The artists have used color show the mood. Michael Robertson piece is celebrating the international childs day. This can be seen from the smiles on the faces of the children around the table where the cupcake is place and the child swinging with the lamb. There is the presence of a cake and some plates that will be used to share the cupcakes. With the Victoria Finlay photograph, the mood is also in a celebratory mood. The colors that are present there are the green, indigo the colors that are used in the sense of beauty, ritual, and tradition of the Holi festival. These colors come from flowers and herbs which are produces during the hot climate in India. The photograph is mostly yellow but glommed with pink puffs, blue and green. The group is mainly adults some seated and another standing. Some of the members are covered with clothing so that the colors do not enter through their nose. One can see the festiveness in the artwork by merely looking at it. Victoria has captured the use of the Holi culture colors in a proper way. Despite the participants being seated, the mood is revealed that they are if they are celebrating something. Despite there is a hidden meaning in the use of the colors. The use of the blue color has a hidden sense which manifests the presence of Vishnu who is their god. Despite the colorful use of color blue, his name means "dark." The use of color indigo is also hidden in the Indian culture it is a combination of purple and the sky blue color.
Despite the similarity, there are many differences seen in the picture. The main difference is that one is an illustration while the other one is a photograph taken of people celebrating an event. Many of the Michael Robertson artifacts have been on drawings using paints. However, he has used the illustrations showing the how the children have enjoyed the celebration. The adult guy in the illustration is in wonderment of the child behavior on his behavior to hanging on the lamb. However, not all the children are happy on the behavior some are also wondering too why they the child is on the lamp. The illustration shows one of the child's eyes closed not seeing what the other r child is doing. The use of the hanging light attracts the viewers' attention wondering what the child might be doing with the lamb. The illustration was portrayed in the well-being conference to show how children should behave. However, the child behavior is not welcoming, and we are not confident on how his actions will be in the future.
Michael has used well the rule of thirds where not all the elements in the illustration are in the center. One of the children is at the upper end of the picture holding the lamb of the house. However, Victoria has violated the rule of thirds by placing the entire crowd at the center of the photograph; however, this wouldn't' have been escaped since the individuals in the picture are many in the place of holding the celebrations. This rule is much efficient to the artist since the attention of the image can be easily captured when a third of the picture is not covered (Amirshahi 165).
The behavior difference in the artwork is also another difference. Michael Roberts illustration was used in Today's parent magazine showing the discipline involved children. However, the drawings show a lousy behavior among the one of the child. However, the behavior revealed in the Victoria Finlay art is encouraging. The adult men and women are seen seated in a well-organized manner. This is showing how they are obedient to their culture. This is a significant difference revealed in the artwork.
In conclusion the comparison between the two artworks reveals more differences than the similarities. This indicates the diversity of artwork in general. Artists are independent to choose the type of artwork they intend to work on. Different rules will apply differently on the various artworks based on the issue addressed.
Works Cited
Amirshahi, Seyed Ali, et al. "Evaluating the rule of thirds in photographs and paintings." Art & Perception 2.1-2 (2014): 163-182.
Lindgren, smith international children's day is Sunday, June 1st, 2014. An art of Michael Robertson
Victoria, Finlay, The Meaning Behind the Many Colors of Indias Holi Festival From red to green to indigo, each colour provides festival-goers with a sense of beauty, ritual and tradition,2016, Smithsonian Journeys Quarterly February 26, 2016, Retrieved from 19/#EUJvGgALTZysv7A5.99
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