Free Sociology Essay Examples

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Rational Theory - Specific Difference: The Punishment Should Fit the Crime

Understanding of the criminal activities is one of the greatest concern in this world where crimes have been constantly rising. This understanding would be critical to th...
4 Pages 
(900 Words)

The Pink Tax - Argumentative Essay Example

It is apparent that the women pay more on the daily essentials and the feminine hygiene products than men. A study on gendered pricing that was done by the New York City...
6 Pages 
(1508 Words)

Essay Example on Reducing Inequality Within and Among Countries

Global inequalities are increasing and pose a threat to the fight against poverty and sustainable development. According to Max (2016), an increase in inequalities among...
5 Pages 
(1248 Words)

Research Paper on Terrorism and Its Causes

Terrorism is the worst threat to global security currently. Since the September 9/11 event in the USA, there has been an upsurge of terrorism cases in different cases. Ge...
7 Pages 
(1795 Words)

Essay on Social Problems: Unequal Education System

Education is one of the critical pillars of society. A good education system enables students to achieve self-independence, turn their dreams into reality, improve the st...
4 Pages 
(927 Words)

Personal Statement Example: The Legal and Political Sources of Respectful Environment in US

Looking at things that take place in our day-to-day activities, legal policy and politics are significant aspects of having a prosperous nation. The citizens can subjecti...
3 Pages 
(556 Words)

Education: The Social Disparity in the American Education System. Essay Example.

The twelfth chapter of the book focuses on education with the title what is being educated and who decides. The student does not get time to evaluate the education system...
5 Pages 
(1139 Words)
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Paper Example on Refugees

A refugee is someone who has been forced to run away from his or her own country due to discrimination, war among others. These group of people in most cases are faced wi...
3 Pages 
(665 Words)

Game Title: Diet Trouble

The main character in the game is Rotund, a black haired obese man, trying to lose weight by jogging across the city while avoiding or killing enemy units (junk food) alo...
7 Pages 
(1902 Words)

Key factors in determining the price of silver using supply and demand analysis

Supply is an essential concept in economics that refers to the entire quantity of a particular service and or commodity that is available to consumers for consumption. Su...
7 Pages 
(1874 Words)