Religious intolerance is any form of dangerous and unacceptable manner on the background of creating destruction. Countries like India and Sir Lanka have shown high rates of religious intolerance and persecution this. This leads to does political intolerance cause persecution?
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Does religious intolerance lead to persecution? Religious intolerance in some countries has remained to be a catastrophe in many countries having different religions despite the granting in the constitution. Religious minorities in for example in India which are particularly the Muslims and the Christians suffer religious persecution daily.
The U.S Department of the states international freedom report in 2007 states that religious intolerance and persecution has increased to the minority religions. The religious persecution is deeply rooted in the ethnic and religious character. The village churches have been destroyed with personal attacks this is linked to the Indian states which are Hindu with the dominance religion.
Religious intolerant societies have carried to most aggressive attacks; this is done to strengthen their fundamentalism like in France by the Arab riot. There is a demonic behavior where the people from a minor religion I a country are burned and raped this, for example, were the Christian churches. And the police are even involved in the process. The legislation affects the perception of freedom of worship in the affected countries.
On the contrary Minority Rights Group International is a nongovernmental organization which was formed to protect the rights of the ethnic and religious minority. This was majorly formed to ton promote cooperation among the affected communities. The body has accurately monitored the violation against the minority the body documents the issue analyses and shared. This has made the government from the affected area to put the issue among the important issues to handle hence enabling to end the crisis on religious intolerance and persecution. The body has promoted the coexistence among the religious groups this is actually by addressing the border context of the religion like in the case of sibilance where minority
Right group international introduced a holistic approach. This is by focusing on some certain issues like the social political and economic matters that promote the political intolerance. Not only focusing on the interrelation issues but also the intra religion divides which were catered for to reduce the rise of the persecution in the bigger denominational perspective. The body has fueled the tak8ing of the illegal measures by the government to those who perpetrate hate speech against the religious minorities.
This is through enforcement of the legal laws concerning hate speech and the international covenant on the civil and political rights. The body ensures that police acts immediately to any perpetration that is inciting violence to the religious minorities as per police ordinance and penal code.
There is enforcement of hate speech legislation which is done with impartiality this is to stop any urge of persecution to the religious minorities. The right minority group international has ensured that a country like a sire lance has ended the misuse of the circular which was issued by the ministry of religious affairs and with the moral uplift in the year 2008. This required the government to construct the new places of worship. The circular lacks validity as there was no any legal in formation for the places for worshipping in sibilance to register. The body advocated for the circular to be withdrawn and enhanced the steps to be taken to ensure that the police desist from using out to the minority.
Minority right group international has ensured that there is the transform of the government and low implementing agencies as far as religious minorities are concerned this is to curb this issue and now there is a positive change in the political intolerance countries. This is because the religious intolerance is mainly caused by the inaction of the laws that are put in place or the active involvement of the people in the law in the participation of the matters.
The public is educated to condemn the matter of persecut8ion caused by religious intolerance and to protect the rights of the religious minorities, and they're of places of worship. The governments of the affected countries through this body have given hope to the minority religious groups by addressing the issue of impunity and dealing with the people involving in persecution.
Open-ended discussion questions
What do you think the countries affected with political intolerance should do? What are some of the laws to be implemented?
1. Why do we have religious intolerance in certain countries? How can we educate the public about the importance of religious diversity.
2 .How can we ensure that the victims are helped psychologically
3. What role should governments play in this problem?
4. What can be done on a community level to support and educate the families who are affected by persecution?
How can we get more people trained to help curb this issue of religious intolerance in the affected countries?
5. How should the victims affected by the religious intolerance curb the issue?
Future Implications:
The matter on the religious intolerance and persecution is just a matter of a belief in religious superiority, and the public should be educated on the importance of the importance of a right of worship. People persecute religious minorities in a country like in the case of India just because to dominate the country and eradicate any form of other worship as they believe no one is supposed to be worshiped instead one of their religion. Awareness should be created to cater for the right of both denominations and penlight people.
The government should take harsh actions to the people involved in the practices as others are just taking it as a formality. If a quick action is not taken then the future world will be in bigger crisis as many people will be for themselves rather than protecting the rights of other people. Human species when not controlled is dangerous. Hence all the police should take action of any activity that could star up any violence resulting from political intolerance. The society at large in the affected areas should take the initiative, through interacting with the people from various denominations and safeguard the future. If these issues are ignored for now, then no one will respect the right of worship to others.
The old people should educate the young generation. This is just to cater for this epidemic. The body could provide some to the solutions, but the society should take the initiative itself. My prediction towards this on the future evident if the government is not going to take into action the rising rate of human right of worship violation. The case of India and sibilance is very critical that the people who are the Muslims and the Christians should be protected to avoid the rising rate of insecurity.
conclusionIn conclusion, the body which has been brought in the matter to cater for this rising issues is important. The rising cases of religious intolerance and persecution have affected even the economy. The society and the government should take the initiative at large.
Work cited
Boswell, John. Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality: Gay people in Western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth century. University of Chicago Press, 2015.Coffey, John. Persecution and Toleration in Protestant England 1558-1689. Routledge, 2014.Haider, Huma. "The Persecution of Christians in the Middle East." (2017).
Danchin, Peter G., and Saba Mahmood. "Politics of religious freedom: Contested genealogies." (2014).
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