A presentation is a way of communication which can be adjusted in various situations, for instance, talking to a group, briefing a team or addressing a meeting. Step by step presentation, the means and method delivering information should be put into consideration for effective communication to be achieved. This might be frightening experience but also, presenting in front of the audience is a vital aspect and every scientist together with students should improve this kind of technique.
What to be done during the presentation
One should put into consideration the following aspects in a research-based presentation. In the preparation, timing is very critical, ensure that you make your presentation within the time frame allocated without rushing or abandoning some of the things to be presented. This indicates that you have to rehearse on your presentation so that you will be in a position to accomplish the presentation within the specific time. Every individual has a unique way of speaking or presentation. It is vital to underpin the volume of the material to be presented so as to know the exact amount of time to be taken (Ashkanasy et al. 15). It is essential to develop a notebook for reference purposes during the presentation to avoid the wastage of time. This will serve as a summary of the entire content to be presented.
According to Bryman, Alan, and Emma (28), the next thing to be done in a presentation is to ensure the following things are incorporated in each slide in a situation where you are using PowerPoint presentation: The objective of your presentation, the major points to be addressed and the primary message that you need to put across on the slide should be put on the slides. Any other additional supportive information that may be important when discussing the themes is also essential to be indicated. Explanation of any animation used and the activities to be carried out should also be included. This helps to understand in details of the activities that are to occur during the presentations limiting time wastage. According to (Ashkanasy et al., 17), it is important to avoid scripting of the presentation especially in a situation where you are required to be used by other people. It is relevant to make it simple and use bullets in your speaker notes. Furthermore, keep in mind that people talk in distinctive ways and their logic in the transition of information is in a contrasting way. By using the bullets it gives a chance for the presenter to select out main information easier and therefore present it more effectively.
Furthermore, remember that PowerPoint presentation may take additional time. Hence it is important to always have the content to be presented off head. The presentation should be developed basically on two or three major ideas. These content should summarize the essential information of what you would wish the listeners to remember. You may have many graphics slides or many texts to explain each message but the audience will follow the presentation better if they have a simple structure or procedure they can easily follow or grasp. Choosing the most exciting and attention seeking topic before the presentation is equally paramount. If you have several projects choose the one that will capture the attention of your audience (Bryman et al. 39). Also, your presentation will be remembered by many people even if the information presented is limited.
Generally, it is appreciated if present without reading the text but rather looking at the texts once in a while especially in research presentation. If you choose to present in a written text, the text should always appropriate and legible that can be read without straining. It should be slightly more informal and stylistically more accessible meaningful and relatively have short sentences, announcements, summaries, and repetitions. It is imperative to ensure that the presentation has a clear structure and commences with something important for instance an opening statement, a question or a typical case example (Bryman et al. 34). Long introductions should be avoided. Clarify what is new and innovative in your research and present a clear conclusion with the clear argument.
While using power point presentation always ensure that you control it not to encounter any technical problems when presenting, also make sure your PowerPoint or handbook should support the attraction and not distracting the audience. While presenting ensure maintenance of eye contact with your audience even if you are reading your texts directly. However, it is important to have the written information at your fingertips so to enhance eye contact with your audience. Do not look out of the window on concentrate on one side or definitely look at your paper all the time as this is an aspect of poor presentation thus ensure you speak up clearly, be audible and avoid mumbling.
After the presentation, consider receiving questions from the audience and providing answers appropriately. It is prudent to display some interest when answering questions by either writing down the question or maintaining eye contact to those asking questions. If a question is difficult, at least try to formulate an idea that is relating to the question. Do not ignore the questions or get scared or be surprised. At times questions may not be clear; the person asking the questions will the thankful if you assist him or she reformulates the question and provides a comprehensive answer (Bryman et al. 39).
Determine in advance on when and how to handle questions. Certain speakers opt for questions to be asked during their presentation while others would anticipate tackling the questions after finalizing the presentation. You must make your preferences clear to the audience at the start of your presentation. (Lefroy et al., 19) outlined that, you can analyze your presentation or locate some of its weak points where data is not strong enough or your motivation is unclear. Organize on how to handle each question and it will mitigate stage freight while presenting on the podium. The presentation should allow time for questions keeping in mind that communication is a two-way process.
Rehearsing is critical before the presentation. In your privacy, mimic as if you are presenting to your audience and also try to peruse the slides in full screen. You can stand up and present your data in a clear voice assuming that you are in presence of the audience. This process might be hectic and hilarious at the initial stage, but as you keep on repeating the practice, you will gain the courage and the slides will flow without the necessarily reading them often. Nevertheless, when you think you are ready you can practice it often and then present the data in front of your friends to listen. They will give you feedback on how the presentation went and therefore you will be able to identify your mistakes. Do rehearse it to gain while timing yourself to comply with the time stipulated for the presentation and also if the flow is working as anticipated. The presenter should also cope with presentation nervousness. It is natural to feel nervous before making a presentation. However, there are certainly tested and tried techniques and strategies to control your fear so that you can focus on delivering an engaging and an effective presentation (Lefroy et al. 19).
Finally how you present yourself will always affect how your audience perceives you. You have to fulfill the expectations of your audience to capture the attention rather than destructing them. Additionally developing or having a sense of humor is relevant to enhance the good presentation. Presentations that are most memorable and those that work best are usually the ones where there were some senses of humor (Lefroy et al. 19).
What to Avoid during a Scientific Research-based Presentation
Wherever you are in your professional career, in one way or another you have been summoned to present something on a typical subject. In doing so, the chances are the presentations you made were not only presented effectively but also were some typological errors such as too many slides, not engaging as well as having a psychedelic concept. Whatever it may have been, the fact is our average attention span is roughly eight seconds. Consequently, it is critical to access your message across faster and efficiently. Another time you find yourself in front of an audience make sure to combat these four presentation pitfalls in the subsequent paragraphs.
The pitfalls need to be avoided while giving the presentation so that credibility as an expert on your topic will be realized. For example. Do not anticipate to always use PowerPoint presentation as the most effective form of delivering information. Despite the fact that PowerPoint is user-friendly and most popular, there are other many ways to present information beyond the Microsoft platform. For instance, Keynote, this is the Apple version of PowerPoint and based on research conducted it is more user-friendly (Gartmeier et al. 56). Despite trustworthy Microsoft supporters may not accept, keynote offers realistic upgrades in the ways of templates, graphics overall suitability and transitions. Be sure to investigate the cons and pros of each of the presentations before adopting them.
Prezi is also one of unique presentation platforms. Using Prezi you can be able to create a 3D interactive presentation that can be offline or live. Though it may not be as user-friendly as keynote or PowerPoint, it is essential if you are willing to take time to figure it out. Google presentation is also an example. Just like many google platforms, Google presentations is fairly user-friendly and pleasing but there is an absence of customization abilities which other platforms provide. Haiku Deck and Slide Rocket are other platforms to consider (Gartmeier et al. 56).
Nothing is more insulting or bad than looking at the back of a head of someone while they read the presentation to their audience. Overcome this by designing your device as an outline of your discussion. According to (Lefroy et al., 28), reading of presentation to the audience is one of the problematic behavior of powerpoint users and it makes the presentation more boring. PowerPoint presentation is effective when spoken remarks are made since it explains an argument rather than imitating what appears on the screen. Finally, it is important to make eye contact with your audience to check whether they understand your presentation.
The second aspect to avoid during a researched-presentation is to avoid being a presentation robot. Find a way to engage your audience and put a certain humanitarian trait to your presentation not unless you find yourself in front of many computers. Failure in doing so, it is a particular way to access your audience to check out and unable to connect to your message on an emotional level (Lefroy et al. 32) In case your presentation is like narrating the history of exploration of great lakes and French fur business you just open your presentation using an analogy or a narrative the audience could potentially relate to. Starting in this manner develops the emotional nail you require to drive your overall information home. Moreover, it is possible an audience would have an ability to recite every fact described, but what they will be able to conceptualize is how your whole presentation makes them feel.
Secondly, do not go overboard with the concept but rather make it simple. The final thing you wish your audience to encounter in your presentation is a migraine contributed on by strange transitions, rainbow color palettes, and childish font decisions (Human Resource 50). Some of the points that will assist in in the overall design of your presentation include cutting your...
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