This article was published online on17th January 2017 by Keistina Lwin and John D Fluke. In this particular article further examinations is called for regarding workers dealing with the children protection in respect to their attitude and child safety responsibility as it is somewhat complicated and robust. With the aid of the projects dealing with quality improvement on response data on a differential basis. Workers beliefs in child safety as a family responsibility in comparison to child safety as a state responsibility are measured using the attitude variable in this particular context. Here, confidence in community resources, self-perception of skills and child protection system as suggested by regression analyses are used in prediction of workers attitude. Resources are relatively encouraged to be shifted in the direction favoring agency needs and mandates.
Protecting young people who have been through harms way or at a risk of falling in harms way is the sole objective of Child Safety Services. Immateriality is identified regarding causing harm in a child or a young person for that matter. Crucial identifiers in regard to child protection are based on whether they have suffered significant harm is suffering substantial harm, or risk of suffering harm is imminent. Also possibility of a parent absence to protect them from harm is taken into consideration. Protecting young people in regard to investigating concerns that a child or young person has been harmed is the department's primary role. Also provision of ongoing services to young people who are in harms way.
In conclusion causes of harm to young people are robust and dynamic which in turn results in degradation of a childs development, well-being, physical and emotional health. When the parents are not competent, or lack will in protecting them, the day is saved by child protection services. Immediate and severe attention is required in protecting children in imminent danger of harm. I would recommend reporting of suspected child abuse in case of concerned in regard to harming of children.
Child Welfare Chief Resigns after Deaths
This Article was published by the Chicago Tribune on 29th of April 2014.In this article, we review the stepping down of the head of the child welfare department, Olga Roche under pressure from politicians angered by deaths of children. Olga Roche, who was in charge of the Department of Children and Families could no longer withhold the publics confidence or her line of the staff. Following the death of Alliana Lavigne, a 4-week-old child and two other children led to her resignation. Concerning Lavigne's case, a fax warning about the imminent danger was sent, but no action was taken. Also, a two-week-old baby and a five-year-old, whose family was also being observed with officials from DCF, were found dead. It was not possible for things to run in that particular format with her in the frontline as directed by John Polanowicz, secretary of the Human and Health services.
Loss of a child is regarded to be a pain like no other. Every day and month, non-dependent on who you are talk to, or what you do, a vivid recording of your child revolves time and again in your mind: your child when they were an infant, a laughing happy little child, a cute young teen, a beautiful young person. It revolves your head, and you do not want to ever forget even a single second of your beautiful child's life. In this regard however overwhelming it may be, all the necessary reforms ought to be made to ensure that our future generation is well accounted for and highly protected concerning our children's welfare
In conclusion, as custodians of our next generation right, we should always be able to fix things and make them better for our children. For the future is prospected to be in their hands. Also, we should be portray whistleblowing mechanisms especially when things are out of order for we are protectors of somewhat vulnerable but precious children and young people.
Children Surviving Abuse and Complex Child-Welfare System
This article was published on 4th February 2013 by Christy Gutowski. In this article a grandmother who has a different perspective regarding children welfare is identified as abusive to the extent of a boy mentioned in the article, carrying leftovers from school back to her sister at home as they are denied food, a basic need. It is also reported that the children were subjected to eating cat food after receiving beatings and occasional burning from the hair iron. Jennifer O'Connor, a teacher in this perspective, plays her primary role and notifies the Department of Children and Family Services which ultimately led to the arrest of their grandmother who had raised them after their mother lost the custody and the removal of the children from that dreadful environment.
Violent interaction of psychological, physical and sexual nature which may cause bodily or mental harm to the child is constituted as child abuse. Also, withholding essential aid, medical care, neglect and denial of education falls into play. Physical violence is demonstrated in the context of sexual and physical abuse. Children should be protected all sorts of violence, neglect, abuse, and maltreatment as it is their right. All the warning signs should be taken under keen review as the long-term effects of these various forms of abuse could be devastating if not overwhelming. Any violence, however petty it may sound could be in conjunction with a somewhat vast background and should never be overlooked.
In conclusion, increasing income of families with relational cases of abuse, helping in establishment and implementation of various necessary projects, and also evacuating children away from situations resulting to maltreatment, will not only be impacting the lives of this victims but also indirectly to their peers as they will identify themselves with the necessary precautions to consider to prevent any form of violation.
US Scramble to Pay for Child Welfare Services
This article was published on January 30th 2013 by the Chicago Tribune. In the review of this report, U.S. states are sourcing for funds from a variety of sources to cater for neglected and abused children all over America. However, they are still struggling to meet the demand for services. Choices regarding allocation of their limited resources have to be made, as such, child welfare, like any other agency, operate in a constrains of fiscal environment. The number of referrals has increased since 2007 according to the Health and Human Services agency, as individuals were beginning to take into consideration the importance of this cause. The companies also provided help for parents, including training and substance-abuse treatment. It was also noted that the majority of federal funding that year for child welfare, $7.1 billion, went to states for foster care, while $730 million was distributed through formula grants to address child abuse and safety. The U.S. Congress also appropriated $189 million for child-abuse prevention.
Regarding the article, the concern about child welfare became a political conversation around the turn of the 20th century when the White House held its first conference on the subject in 1909. Four years later, the United States Children's Bureau was established. The sole concern was and still stands today that every child grows up in a safe, loving, and secure home. The bureau also focuses on helping those who have suffered from abuse and neglect within their homes. The Child Welfare League of America is only one of many programs in the United States that support and concentrates on a child's safety and wellbeing. They offer resources and connections for children and families who are in need of assistance to build a better foundation for their home life. The Children's Bureau focuses on the following categories: Adoption, Child Abuse & Neglect, Child Welfare Services, Foster Care, Guardianship, and Tribes. Their website is beneficial on many other topics and offers exclusive information for those are seeking help in such areas. Protecting children is a crucial subject for every family, as emergency situations can arise at any time without expectation. There are many things that can affect a child's mental and physical wellbeing, from violence in schools to changes at home.
In conclusion, our sole dedication should be based on helping prevent child abuse and mistreatment through education and public awareness campaigns. When these heinous acts are perpetrated against our children, we should take all the necessary action regarding security and protection. As such no child should ever be left behind.
Arizona Couple Accused of Child Abuse Plead Not Guilty
This article was published on June 24th 2014 by the Chicago Tribune. In this definite article, we are presented with an Arizona couple which is charged with battery of their two daughters who were adopted repeatedly and also leaving them occasionally, in a malnourished condition pleaded a vow of not guilty to these charges. Johann Jorgs and Kimery Jorgs, who are 61 and 54 regarding age respectively made these pleas following arraignment in Maricopa County Superior Court for abusing the 13-year-old and 11-year-old girls allegedly. The Jorgs were held responsible on account of six felony charges. An alarm raised, following a visit to the couple's home in Peoria, led to their arrest. The Jorgs remained in custody on account of $200,000 bond.
Whipping, striking, chocking, and even burning or any other action that injures a child, also if the particular caregiver does not mean to cause injury is considered child abuse and should be dealt with lethal force regarding the law. However physical discipline which does not impair a child is not considered violation which is not the case as illustrated in the article. Physical abuse often results in bruises and blisters, brain damage, broken bones, and permanent injury and death. Signs such as failure of a caregiver to explain causes of injury and keeping the child from attending school or church are primarily an indication that physical abuse is being perpetrated. Once an individual notes this in a particular caregiver, they should take the issue and report it to the concerned authority.
In conclusion, evacuating children away from situations resulting to maltreatment, will not only be impacting the lives of this victims but also indirectly to their peers as they will identify themselves with the necessary precautions to consider to prevent any form of violation. Also reporting of any suspicious activity in context of child abuse is relevant at all times.
Chicago Tribune (2014) Massachusetts child welfare chief resigns after deaths. Retrieved on 28th October 2017. Tribune (2013) US states scramble to pay for child welfare services-GAO. Retrieved on 28th October 2017. Tribune (2014) Arizona couple accused of child abuse plead not guilty. Retrieved on 28th October 2017. Gutowski (2013) Children survive abuse, only to get tossed around complex child-welfare system. Retrieved on 28th October 2017.
Keistina Lwin & John D Fluke (2017) Attitudes on the Responsibility for Child Safety: Key Ch...
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