- That seems like a waste of my time and yours.
This is not appropriate since it shows that you as a Helper is not concerned with the Helpees problems.
- Talking about it is the only way you will ever feel better.
This is not the best response because it will make the Helpee feel more depressed since they would have the assumption that there is no other solution to the problem they are facing.
- Have you been abused? Is that what you dont want to talk about?
This is not a suitable response since it will make the Helpee feel uncomfortable since the will think you as the Helper is forcing them to air out the issue disturbing them.
- Its important for you to go at the pace you are comfortable with.
This is the most suitable response since it shows the helpee that you are not forcing them to share their problem yet they are not comfortable.
- Perhaps you would like a referral to another therapist
This is not appropriate because it will make the Helpee feel like you cannot help get past the issue that is troubling him or her.
Question Two
Helpee: (an adolescent boy) You cant make me talk.
(Answer option a.)
- Youre right. I know you dont want to be here, but Im wondering if there is anything I can help you with as long as you are here.
This is the best option since it will make the Helpee feel more comfortable in talking with the Helper because they will know that the Helper is there to assist.
- We might as well end the session now.
This is not appropriate because it shows the Helper is not willing to assist the Helpee.
- Now I understand why youve been referred here.
This is not suitable since it shows that the Helper views the Helpee as a problematic person.
- Ill need to tell your parents that you are not cooperating.
This is not appropriate since it will make the Helpee feel threatened.
- You have some real anger problems.
This is not suitable since it will make the Helpee view the Helper negatively since they have already concluded that they are suffering from anger issues.
Question Eight
Client has come to the session today after missing two of the last four appointments. Until this point, the client had never missed a session.
Helpee: I forgot our sessions.
(Answer option b.)
- You need to stop being so irresponsible.
This is not the best response since it will make the Helpee think that the Helper has a bad impression about them.
- I wonder if theres anything that weve been discussing lately thats been difficult for you.
This is the best response since it shows that the Helper is concerned about the Helpees progress.
- No problem. Where would you like to begin today?
This is not the best response since it shows that the Helper is not concerned of how the Helpee is doing.
- When did you start having memory problems?
This is not a suitable response since it shows that the Helper has already concluded that the Helpee is suffering from memory issues.
- My time is just as important as yours.
This is not an appropriate response because it indicates that the Helpee is not willing to know why the Helper forgot about the sessions.
Exercise 4.4
Tanya, age 10, comes to you, her Girl Scout leader, to tell you that two other Scouts in your troop stole some candy from a local store yesterday, Shes been with them when theyve done that before, too. What would you do, and why?
(Answer option a.)
- Call in the other two girls and confront them with Tanyas report.
This is the best option since by confronting the other girls you would be able to help them stop stealing.
- Discuss with Tanya the morality of shoplifting, tattling, and ones association with wrongdoers even if one doesnt misbehave.
This is not the best option since it will make Tanya to have the thought that people cannot change their behaviors.
- Explore with Tanya her own concerns about this problem and what her options are.
This is not the most suitable solution since it will not help the girls change from their bad behaviors.
5.You are a volunteer for a local crafts program for the elderly. One gentleman, Mr. Roberts, appears to be withdrawn and cranky. When you talk to him, he tells you that his daughter-in-law is being nasty to him, and he is unhappy living with her. What would you do, and why?
(Answer option c.)
a.Discuss with him how unsympathetic in-laws often are and sympathize with his position.
This is not the most suitable response since it will make Mr. Robert to continue negatively viewing his in-laws.
b.Discuss with him the different capabilities he has and the options he has for variousactivities within the community.
This is not the right response because Mr. Robert would continue feeling depressed since he will feel like no one is willing to comfort him.
c.Empathize with his loneliness, and discuss what you and others can offer him in the wayof companionship and activities.
This is the most suitable response since it will help Mr. Robert to find comfort since he will know that people value him.
Part Two
A social history is an account of the lifestyle of a patient which highlights various medical related issues concerning the patient (Ackerknecht & Haushofer 2016). Social history usually ensures that a helper knows more about a helpee's life. It often assists the helper in understanding the helpee thus making it easy for them to assist them in fighting the issues disturbing them. Social history often aids in establishing a good relationship between a helper and a helpee since it allows the helper to understand the helpee better. This often makes it easy for the helper to communicate with the helpee through regular interactions.
If I were a helpee, I would feel comfortable sharing my history with my helper since I believe through sharing the helper will be able to easily find ways of assisting me to fight the issues I may be facing. Most helpees, however, find it hard to share with their helpers due to various reasons. For example, they view social history as private information that should be shared with anyone. Helpees may also find it hard to share their social history due to the fear of being judged or being told that they have a particular problem.
Ackerknecht, E. H., & Haushofer, L. (2016). A Short History of Medicine. JHU Press.Okun, B. F., & Kantrowitz, R. E. (2014). Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques. Cengage Learning.
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