Adolescence is a transitional stage from childhood to adulthood (Santrock 12). There are notable similarities and differences between teenagers and senior citizens. Older citizens are noted to have more mature responses when asked or their contributions while the teenagers seems not to have a comprehensive answer when confronted with an issue. There is also notable difference in the way teenagers and senior citizens handle an issue. Senior citizens prefer to handle an issue based on their past experiences while the teenagers are seeking to experiment different forums and evaluate the best course of action to undertake.
The senior citizen interviewee age was 27 years, male and Caucasian. The adolescent interviewee age was 16 years, female and Hispanic. There were notable similarities between the two interviewees. First, regarding high school experience. Both responses noted at their time in high school, they both enjoyed going to school, and recognized majority of the teenagers at their neighbourhood attended school. Second, both respondents noted they had part-time jobs, the senior citizen noted he contributed to the family budget 30% of his income. Third, fashion evidently was very important for both interviewees. They noted, by wearing trendy clothes one would be recognized as one of the popular kids in the school. Fourth, regarding relationships, both respondents noted they were not allowed to date until they were 16 years. More so, for the adolescent interviewee, she noted her parent were very strict on relationship matters and was glade she finally could get a boyfriend by the end of summer. Fifth, both respondents noted one of the most nagging problem as a teenager was peer pressure.
There were also notable differences between the senior citizen interviewee and the adolescent interview. First, on how they spent the money earned from their part-time jobs, the senior citizen noted 30% was a contribution to the family budget while the adolescent interviewee noted she was allowed to send all the money earned. Second, when asked what they did on a date, the senior citizen noted, he would go for a picnic with his date. While the adolescent interviewee noted, when she starts dating hopefully this summer, she would prefer to go to the movies. Third, when asked how they spend time with the friends, the senior citizen interviewee noted they preferred hiking while the adolescent interviewee noted the when she gets time to interact with her friends they preferred to visit the movies. Forth, regarding the difference they noted between when they were teenagers and the teenagers of 50 years ago, the senior citizen noted todays teenagers are making many radical decisions without much consideration of the future implications. While teenagers of 50 years ago, often made decisions but adhered to set code of ethics. The adolescent interviewee noted the main difference between todays and the teenagers of 50 years ago was that, todays teenagers are willing and also ready to take more risks while adolescents of 50 years ago were conservative.
The first chapter has identified three research findings regarding teenagers. First the adolescent is a turbulent time which is often affected by mood swings and conflict. The author refers the period as stormy and stressful (Santrock 25). During this stage many of the teenagers are adamant to have their views addressed and if not, they can easily get frustrated. Second research finding is adolescence are regarded as socio economic creation (Santrock 28). This finding further stresses on how many teenagers are seeking part-time employment options so that they have extra money to spend on themselves. The third finding is that teenagers are often influenced by the generational subject entity (Santrock 34). Example, if in the generational era the influential entity was technology, then there is a high probability of many if not all adolescents following the technology trend. The second chapter research findings have noted first, teenagers often experience secular trends that set on the onset of puberty (Santrock 49). Secondly, teenagers have a habit to develop adoptive behavior (Santrock 54). Here the teenagers have the ability to modify their behaviour so that they are able to survive in their natural habitat. Third, the chapter explores behaviour genetics. In the field of behaviour genetics, the chapter explores how there are key heredity and environment influences that are reflected on the adolescents development (Santrock 78). Chapter three identified research findings entail, first teenagers have the ability to develop hypothetical deductive reasoning (Santrock 86). This is achieved where the adolescents have the capable ability to develop a given hypothesis and think of alternative ways they can solve identified problem (Santrock 88). Second, adolescents have strong social contexts, this is identified as the adolescents have the ability to learn and construct knowledge through their social interaction (Santrock 115). Third, the adolescents have social cognition, they become very particular about themselves and the social world they represent (Santrock 122). They become very selective on how to make their judgements and decisions based on specific social information. Chapter four first element is self, this entails all the characteristics of an individual which constitute a central focus of an individual personality (Santrock 131). Throughout the chapter, the author expresses different forms of self and their importance. Second finding was made as adolescents prefer to describe themselves differently based on different situations, this makes them to be very different and priorities can keep shifting (Santrock 143). Third research finding is adolescents have the habit to describe themselves in both real and idealistic ways. Therefore, this gives them an opportunity to handle different situations as they present themselves. Forth research involves adolescents having fluctuating self. This is identified when they keep changing their priorities across different times and situations (Santrock 154).
Based on the identified twelve research findings, they directly relate with the interviewees (senior citizen and the adolescent). Research findings in chapter one noted first, teenagers tend to be moody and often encounter conflicts. Adolescent interviewee demonstrate this quality by being defensive to her parents when she was told she could not date until she was 16 years. Now that she had finally reach 16 years, she is eager and looking forward to get a boyfriend by end of summer. Second chapter one second element regard teenagers as socio economic creators. Both the senior citizen and adolescent, did have part-time jobs that allowed them to gain some extra cash for their spending. Third finding in chapter one refers adolescents as generational subject entity. Both senior citizen and the adolescent identified themselves with their respective fashion styles. In both instances, fashion was an integral part in their trends. Chapter first research finding on secular trend first being identified at the onset of puberty. Both the senior citizen and the adolescent interviewee, have made very clear objectives on their intentions. Adoptive behavior is the second element, the senior citizen interviewee fit in the family by providing approximately 30% of his income to the family budget. Furthermore, the interviewee noted it was more of family custom where everyone was expected to make contributions to the family budget. Behavior genetics is identified in the senior citizen interviewee who identified it was a family tradition for everyone to contribute to the family budget as long as they had an income. Chapter three that focuses on social context and social cognition. First element is identified where the adolescents have the capability to make decisions by exploiting different options. This is evident with the senior citizen interviewee who notes despite fashion being an important mark among the teenagers, for him fashion did not occupy focus. Second element was social context which is demonstrated by both interviewees with the recognition that fashion was a key component among all the teenagers. Third element was social cognition of themselves. This is evident in both interviewees as they held personal views of how they thought themselves in relation to the teenagers who were in existence 50 years ago. The forth chapter is noted to focus on self. First element was on the different characteristics that make up an individual. Based on the answers given by the participant, there is a clear distinctions of how the participants regard themselves. Moreover, in the second finding on the adolescents ability to adopt into different situation. Both participants noted trouble encountered when having to deal with peer pressure. Often they are forced to adopt to the current situation based on influences. Third research finding is based on adolescents being realistic sans idealistic. Both participants demonstrated this quality in their fashion trending styles where they were able to make the best representation of themselves. Conclusively, adolescence is an interactive phase where the teenagers are given the freedom to exercise and become the best version of themselves.
Adolescence, John .W. Santrock, 16e; McGraw Hill Education
Interview of Senior Citizen:
1. Did you attend high school? yes Did you want to? yes What kinds of subjects did you study? Sciences and humanities What kind of homework did you get? essays Did most of the adolescents in your neighborhood
go to high school? yes
2. How many hours per week did you work (not including school-related work)? 18 hours How much did you contribute to the family income? 30% total income Did you want to go to work? Yes
3. What were your clothes like? Jeans Were you concerned about fashion? No
4. Did you date in high school? Yes At what age were you allowed to date? 16 years What did you typically do on a date? hiking
5. How did you and your friends spend your free time? yes
6. What was your most nagging problem as a teenager? Peer pressure
7. What do you see as the main difference between the teenagers of today and yourself as a
teenager? How to make a decisions What do you think of today's teenagers? They have little regard on the consequences of their actions.
Interview of Adolescent:
1. How do you feel about school? Great How much time do you spend doing homework? 20 to 24 hours a week What do you plan to do when you graduate? run my restaurant
2. Do you have a part-time job? Yes If so, how many hours a week do you work? 24 hours Do you want to work? yes
3. What kind of clothes do your friends wear? Designer clothes How important is fashion to you? It showcases who I am to the world.
4. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No If so, how old were you when you began dating? If not, why? Just turned 16 years and my parents forbid me to date until I am 16 years of age. When are you allowed to go on a date? What do you do on a date?
5. How do you spend your free time? going to movies
6. When you get together with your friends, what do you do? shopping, eating out and watching movies.
7. What is your biggest problem in life right now? Peer pressure
8. What do you see as the main difference between yourself and teenagers 50 years ago? The amount of risks wiling to be taken. What do you think of today's teenagers? Todays teenagers are willing to take more risks which leads to greater returns if they succeed.
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