Today the internet use has increased, and this is due to the emergence of new technology that makes internet readily available and fast to use. Although ease and availability of internet are a credited as an achievement in the current generation, emerging trends negative impacts are also identifiable. The youths are acknowledged as the number one internet users and the internet trendsetters (Kuss,, 2013). The rate at which teens are using the internet has resulted in the introduction of many research investigating on the positive and the negative impact of the increased internet use among adolescents. Research has proven that internet use is addictive and is associated with adverse traits exhibited by youth such behavior disorder. In this study, research on the impact of social media addiction among youth will be investigated by analyzing data from three different articles.
Internet Addiction and Adolescent Prevalence and Risk Factors
The article internet addiction and adolescent prevalence and risk factors analyze the behavior of adolescents who have a high preference for internet use. The article is a credible source for the topic of discussion as it covers internet addiction and significant primarily on the adolescents, who are of interest in this study. In data collection, the article has used both primary and secondary sources to acquire information on internet use among adolescent. For example, from the article secondary sources used are books and articles from several authors whose work is quoted and incorporated in addressing the question understand. Some of the cited authors and data include Liu, C., Liao, M., & Smith, D. C. Research work An empirical review of Internet addiction treatment outcome studies in China. also the article has borrowed researched data from IVO Addiction Research Institute, among many other scholars works. The material uses primary data, for example, the data collected from the survey given to teens in Netherlands (Kuss,, 2013). The methodology of data collection and analysis used in the article and is both qualitative and quantitative. The method has allowed the authors of the report to collect data and give a detailed review of the study.
Based on the article findings, internet use result to current addiction problem among the youths and adolescents. The threshold of the addiction is high such that medical and professional intervention is created. From the article, it is indicated by a rising pattern in internet use that is spread the word. According to data collected in 2008, the highest number of teens addicted to the internet were from East Asia, but this has outgrown to other parts of the world, and youth behavior disorders have increased (Kuss,, 2013). Although based on the article empirical measurements used the rate of addiction vary common behaviors are exhibited by youths who use the internet. Children addicted to the internet have some personality traits that are identifiable, and they include low emotional stability, aggressive behaviors, hostility, withdrawal, low self-esteem and negative consciousness.
Adolescent Internet addiction: testing the association between self-esteem, the perception of Internet attributes, and preference for online social interactions.
The article Adolescent Internet Addiction: Testing the Association between Self-Esteem, the Perception of Internet Attributes, and Preference for Online Social Interactions is a source that relates to the topic of study which is the impact of internet among youth. The article is related to the question of research and systematically explain how the addiction comes into being. Outline internet addiction as a common characteristic of youth and also outlines what causes internet addiction. The article examines more on the behavior aspect of adolescents and how it translates to internet addiction. The report has borrowed from other authors in generating knowledge and assumption on how internet addiction behavior development. For example, some of the secondary sources and other authors works acquired include The impact of online social networking on adolescent psychological well-being by Harris Hyun-soo Kim. Others work borrowed are by Patti M. Valkenburg, Maria Koutamanis, Helen G.M. Vossen, and Raquel S. Assuncao, Paula Mena Matos among many others. The research uses both quantitative and qualitative research methodology in data acquisition and analysis. For example, the article tests empirically how poor social skill in a teen result to internet addiction. Also, several theories have been applied in this case to explain social behavior. The article, in this case, is accredited variable and relevant to the study as it helps generate new insight that is proven through empirical measures used (Fioravanti, Dettore & Casale, 2012).
The article is systematically written, it begins by introducing internet addiction, followed closely by defining human behavior and how internet use manipulates human behaviors. The report gives evidence of how not all people and youths are addicted to social media and therefore, social media is defined as a problem for people with certain behavioral traits. According to the article, social media addiction has a high affinity for people with specific character traits. For example, according to the report, people with poor social skills are prone to internet addiction. To prove the hypothesis the researcher has tested loneliness and social anxiety and how they related to increased social media addiction (Fioravanti, Dettore & Casale, 2012). Also based on the comparison between males and females internet addiction was found in the process to be highly prevalent in males than in females. The article, however, has some faults as it addresses two human behavior which is loneliness and social anxiety in generating its assumption ignoring other human actions such as self-esteem. Therefore, it can be concluded that internet addiction and the relationship with social aspect is underdeveloped and this is a reasonable basis for any future study by scholars.
Internet Addiction Disorder: Personality Characteristics and Risk of Pathological Overuse in Adolescents
The article Internet Addiction Disorder: Personality characteristics and risk of pathological overuse in adolescents is another credible source in the study of internet use among the youths. The article has a good flow in the way information and data analysis is delivered. It defines internets addiction before venturing in examining the difference between youths who are addicted and those who are not. Based on the article research an identifiable in personality between social media addict and nonaddicts is exhibited. To prove the hypothesis the article exhibit use of qualitative and quantitate research methods in an analysis. The material has applied scientific techniques in data analysis such as the use of the internet addiction test and the MMPI-A. There is also use of a sample ground in the data analysis who are high school students. In the article study different scholarly works have been quoted and borrowed in interpreting the collected data. Some of the adopted work include Internet Addiction and Relationships with Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, and Self-Esteem in University Students: A Cross-Sectional Designed Study by Younes, Farah, et al (Munno, et al. 2017).
The article addresses human behavior and addiction problem in teenagers. Teenagers who have minimal behavior abnormalities are less likely to be affected by social media addiction. Therefore, based on the article there are distinct factors that are likely to trigger internet addiction. The more one has more behavior abnormalities especially the youths, the higher the risk of addiction (Munno, et al. 2017). The article has carried out tests on deferent human behavior that include self-esteem, anxiety rates, and loneliness also contributing factors such as family, friends, school, and sex have also been measured. Based on the article assumption males and persons who have a problem with home and class are more likely to be diagnosed with internet addiction (Munno, et al. 2017).
After examining the three article, there is a difference in the methodology of data collection used, the location of samples used in data analysis. For example, the data is collected from the deferent student from Netherlands among other areas. Whoever commonality emerge in that, all were adolescents. Also, the difference appears in what each article data analysis measure and the question addressed. The first article addresses, the cause of addiction, the behavior exhibited, implication and solution to the social media addiction problem. The other two article covers a frequent topic, but there are differences displayed in the data collection. The last article has covered human behavior and the predisposing factors likely to cause interned addiction while the second article includes few social element ignoring others in its assumptions. Based on the topic findings, the topic is broad and can be examined from different perspectives.
Fioravanti, G., Dettore, D., & Casale, S. (2012). Adolescent Internet addiction: testing the association between self-esteem, the perception of Internet attributes, and preference for online social interactions. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(6), 318-323.
Kuss, D. J., Van Rooij, A. J., Shorter, G. W., Griffiths, M. D., & van de Mheen, D. (2013). Internet addiction in adolescents: Prevalence and risk factors. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(5), 1987-1996.
Munno, D., Cappellin, F., Saroldi, M., Bechon, E., Guglielmucci, F., Passera, R., & Zullo, G. (2017). Internet Addiction Disorder: Personality characteristics and risk of pathological overuse in adolescents. Psychiatry research, 248, 1-5.
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