Research Paper on Braveship Ventures: Fund Analysis

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1551 words
Vanderbilt University
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Research paper
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Braveship Ventures is an entertainment fund that allows for more investment in video game and films for using unique for method of reducing the possible risk management. Braveship Ventures is located in Los Angeles in the state of California (Helms & Nixon, 2010, p. 223). However, it is significant to note that the organization does not invest blindly but uses distinctive techniques that ensure not only top-notch risk reduction but also high returns. The companys focus can, therefore, be described as entertainment with a speciality in three areas namely; books, video games, and film production (Nielsen, Cruickshank, Foged, Thorsen, & Krebs, 2010, p. 1542). The organization central business is on film production, animation, comic and video game. The organization acts as holding where the independent companies and the Braveship Licensees provides stories for multimedia. Much of the Bravership ventures are involved in development of licenses as well as provision of entertainment funds. The Bravership books are licensed and published for most action, science fiction, fantasy genres and thriller. The hundreds of thousands of do have prestigious ventures as well as production and pre-production purposes.

In raising the organizations funds, Chatsworth Securities is always at standby to fund at least $ 100M in capital whenever need be. Apart from the Chatsworth Securities bank, Braveship Ventures book publisher is on record for having sold several books since the organizations inception (Iskanius, Page, & Anbuudayasankar, 2010, p. 399). As at July 18, 2017, the funds raised through the organizations video developer alone stood at $ 11M dollars without the inclusion of the works in progress. Matt Cook, Braveship Ventures founder, is a PhD holder in economics, which brings a high level of expertise required to understand and operate private equity ventures across the globe. When it comes to operation, Braveship Ventures operates beyond the United States because its aim is the realisation of maximum profits, which is the target of all business ventures across the globe (Jensen, 2015, p. 48). Apart from the fund management service, the company also provides hardware products, which is a necessity in the film production field.

Capital to be raised $ 100 million 175 Million

Strategy Braveship has several retail outlets, hence to create a convincing investment strategy, it will be important to consider tickets sales strategy. 2X initial investment tickets is a major strategy that will allow the receiving of payments in a unique manner. After investing X, but cannot back it up with 2X. Starting with a fortune, the investor is required to apply the Linear Programming problem solutions that allows to pay invest more than 1/3 on day 1. For if X > 1/3 , the case will be where the investment remains with the capital and is sufficient in enabling you to invest 2x on day 2. The resulting for forfeit for the initial investment X. The yields and returns at the beginning of day allows the usage and the amounts to begin for second investment by investing 4.9 (one third of 4.3), one day 3 and 8/9 on day 4.

There are two target markets for investors, the Bulgaria and USA market. The formula will be applied for the two markets equally. However, the investment strategy will be spread to other markets, namely Mexican, Brazil and Chinese.

Determinants Characteristics

Size: Euro 100m-175m

Stages: Early Stage

Geography: European, American and Latin America

Fund Terms Term of the Fund: 12 Years

Investment period: 7 Years investment

Fees: 1.6%

Carried: 15

Hurdle rate: 1.2x

Track record Fund I for Short term: 40 M (2013)

Fund 2 for Midterm: 65 M (2015)

Fund 3 for Long-term 100 M (2017)

Investment Team The investment team should be responsible for the development of a reliable investment policy one that is established to recognize pillars of market leadership as well as development of responsibility towards managing the investment fund. The integrated investment team is engaged towards adding value to the investment process, through the inceptions of policies on how the new fund will be utilized to achieve results in the best amicable way. The goals for responsible investment involve creating an insight towards creating an equity buffer. The sole purpose of the investment team is to create trusteeship for networks and investment relationship while sourcing out and screening projects.

Laurent Bouyoux - Founding Partner:


CEO of Braveship ventures and Entertainment

Publishing industry experts as well best author

Developer of Common Sense and government transparency

Listed on Wall Street Journal for forbes

Has a doctorate at uPenn


20-Year period on the video game industry

Worked with companies such as Activison, Sony and Microsoft on Xbox

Responsible for the development of call of duty, prince of Persia, transformers and final fantasy

Awarded with Top Game of the Year and an Editors Choice award for the Rob Foundation and Studio Capital Management and video game-agency


20+ year experience in senior for gaming companies

Partner with CFO for vanedge capital CFO.

Created an outstanding record of accomplishment for possible returns

Has a properly established studios globally

Co-Founded the propaganda Games

VP and CFO for electronic Arts Canada with an over $1b in revenue

Created the largest interactive studio globally


Ph. D holder and a chairing professor

Current author of still everything

Expert in digital marketing and e-commerce

Author and teacher of international speaking and the possible online-offline integration

Engineered the development of various startups for the various research winning agenda

Established a number of academic and marketing journals


Director of Bravership Book for international bestselling sci-fi and military thrillers

Sea of Shadows for the option for film producer

Also, the U.S Navy Chief Officer for the Anti-Submarine

Chief Petty Officer for Anti-Submarine warfare


Worked as VP for Digital & On Demand at Lionsgate

Senior VP of TV and possible Digital Entertainment

Experienced in strategic planning and business execution for media business deals

Expertise in entertainment and digital media industry for media industry

Successful for negotiating and managing various strategic relationships

SWOT Analysis Strengths The team boasts of wide experience in gaming, digital marketing and story line development.

The team enjoys extensive corporate connections.

The team is well distributed, hence it will be easier to specify roles

The team has a proper, well-integrated communication mechanism.

Weaknesses The team could be having other assignment, which might lead to moonlighting.

The team might not be having a private equity investment docile experience

Opportunities Connections with global leading gaming companies, Microsoft and Sony to be precise

Changing gaming interactions from offline to online

New point of sell protocols improving revenue streams

Improved hardware devices

Threats Global economic downturns and recessions

Competition from new entrants

Positives The private equity fund enables the borrower (organization) to realize its dreams and objectives as capital is the first necessity in any business entity and the entertainment industry is not an exception either.

The second positive thing about the fund is that it has clear requirements and regulations, which implies no catch anywhere and each borrower gets a prior information before settling on it.

The fund helps in global economic growth because it adds to the GDP of the host country.

The other positive thing about the fund is the direct growth of the entertainment industry, through direct or direct employment provision to various individuals.

The last positive thing about the fund is that it is paid back in a good duration, which gives the borrowers opportunity to look for resources prior to payback.

Concerns It has fees that are sometimes unaffordable to a number of customers.

Strict investment strategy means that any company, which does not deal with the video games and film production cannot access the fund.

The fund target is limited to $ 100 million meaning that any organizations that want more than the set target can never get it.

The commitment fees stand at $ 5 million, which is very high for start-up entertainment funds.

Additional Questions For how long have you been in the entertainment industry (video gaming/ film production)?

What is the probability that investor will get back his or her cash with the agreed profit after the stipulated period?

Are video gaming and film production a marketable thing on the world sphere at the moment?

Is there a probability that the outlined fee structure will change with time after the first investment or it remains constant throughout?

Do you restrict the number of individuals looking for funds from the organisation at any moment?

As a company, how much capital have you raised already?

What is your target revenue in the next five years?

Do you prefer individuals from a certain geographical location? If yes, which areas are these?

How would you describe your fund status now?

Do you pay the required taxes to the authorities in place?



Braveship_Ventures, n.d. Braveship Ventures. s.l.:s.n.

Braveship_Ventures, n.d. Private Placement Memorandum. s.l.:s.n.

Helms, M. M. & Nixon, J., 2010. Exploring SWOT analysis Where are we now? A review of Academic Research from the Last Decade. Journal of Strategy and Management, 3(3), pp. 215-251.

Iskanius, P., Page, T. & Anbuudayasankar, S. P., 2010. The Traditional Industry Sector In The Changing Business EnvironmentA Case Study Of The Finnish Steel Product Industry. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 4(4), pp. 395-414.

Jensen, O. C., 2015. Threats Of The Carmagnole: Contesting The Nation, 17971805. S.l.: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Nielsen, T. D. et al., 2010. Business, Market And Intellectual Property Analysis Of Polymer Solar Cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94(10), pp. 1553-1571.


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