Today, organizational culture has become a very significant factor in many organizations. The concept of organizational culture stay in power in the running of activities within an organization, and it has also broadened to community cultures and occupational cultures. The culture at the national level is significant in understanding the intergroup conflicts that occur in an organization (Janicijevic, 2011). There are particular rigors in an organization that is relatively easy to notice such as marketing myopia, leadership failures, leadership arrogance among others and to understand why these issues occur, the idea of culture is introduced (Bodlaand Nawaz, 2010). In an era where leadership is touted over and over again as a bottom-line variable in explaining the failure or success of institutions it is important for these leaders to create a culture and show other employees of how cultures set up and define leadership(Kocyigit, 2015). The concept of organizational culture has proven to have a direct link to leadership in an organization since the creation and management of corporate culture have remained a role for leaders to play.
Organizations operating in highly globalized nations have had to adapt the concept of organizational culture as a central concept in their leadership approach. Effective organizational culture management helps these leaders manage organizational behavior dynamics within the organizations and keeping up with globalization dynamics, particularly the multicultural teams and stakeholders brought together by globalized workforce (Kocyigit, 2015; (Randeree and Chaudhry, 2012). Aesthetics and beauty are among the industries that have to adapt their organizational culture type of leadership in the UAE, given the increasing rate of the sector's growth of the global market. The industry is projected to grow by 3% annually. Between 2015 and 2020, the UAE's beauty market is projected to increase from 48% to 50% within the Middle East (GulfNews, 2016). Increasing regional and global growth is expected to bring in more cultural challenges that leaders in such originations must deal with. Further, despite the economic slowdown in the UAE, the aesthetic clinic business, especially in a plastic surgeon, is increasing at a high rate. The rate is rising among both local and international customers. In 2015, the number of international patients rose from 10,000 in 2014 to 11,400. Research also shows that a total of 750,000 medical tourists visited Dubai in 2015 and a total of 12% of the tourists sought cosmetic surgery (Bell, 2016). The industry must now adapt by ensuring that their leadership can create and manage an organizational culture that is integrated to the running of activities of an organization (RandereeandChaudhry, 2012). The practice of quality organizational culture will possibly enable these entities to be able to function efficiently and effectively.
Problem Statement
Organizational culture has received a lot of attention among researchers, especially about leadership. The issue of organizational culture has been conceptualized and measured in different styles, but it remains as a challenging concept. The relationship that exists between leadership and organizational culture, namely the effect that leadership has on organizational culture, as dependent variables in the field of Aesthetic Clinic with UAE as the case study has not been given much attention in research. Past studies have concentrated on discussing the issue of leadership and organizational culture in large organizations in different fields as well as a different concept on how the two relate (RandereeandChaudhry, 2012). Therefore this study will look at another angle by looking into how the quality of leadership in the director level affects organizational culture in Aesthetic Clinic in UAE. The relationships in this research are different since unlike large organizations in different areas, Aesthetic Clinics in the UAE have fewer resources, different leadership styles, smaller communication systems and slim growth opportunities(RandereeandChaudhry, 2012). Therefore, the idea of ensuring commitment of leaders in shaping organizational culture in this field is very important in order to ensure that the goals of an institution are met and ensure that the employees are committed, which is very important especially in the context of UAE.
Even as the aesthetics industry grow, an important factor to a sustainable industry growth is leadership. The industry needs a quality leadership that will not only nurture the structural and functional aspects of the business, but also one that will effectively address organizational behaviour issues (Dajani and Mohamad, 2017). The contemporary management thinking places greater emphasis on managing the people within the organization, through setting an organizational culture that stimulates good performance and attracts the best talents (Dajani and Mohamad, 2017). Organizational culture, within the context of these discourse, refers to the practices, norms, traditions, and values within an organization (or identified with the organizations). Cosmetics is a technical and sensitive field that requires a pool of highly qualified professionals. Often, the entrepreneurs in the cosmetic industry may be a group of people or even an individual with no grasp of the technicalities of the field. To bridge the gap, entrepreneurs often delegate day-to-day operations to be qualified and knowledgeable directors, who then lead and manage the organizations (Stanley and Carvalho, 2016). Given a near free-hand control and organization, the directors would only steer cosmetic organizations through using their leadership qualities to stimulate motivating work condition, learning, and innovation as well as offering safeguards to the technical aspects of the organization. The past studies, however, remains limited on whether the quality of leadership at directorship influences organizational culture in the aesthetic sector. Studies unique to UAE are even more scarce. These are the issues that triggered the present study.
Research Aims and Objectives
The main objective of this research is to discuss the impact of quality of leadership of director level on the organizational culture within the Aesthetic Clinic in the UAE. Other objectives of the research include:
To explain the unique role of leadership quality at in the director level organizations, especially in aesthetic clinics.
To critically review how the quality of leadership at director level affects organizational culture, with a focus on aesthetics clinics in UAE.
To make recommendations on how the organizations operating aesthetics in UAE can adapt to build and sustain an organisational culture that festers organizational success.
Research Questions
The main research question for this study is to explain how qualities of leadership of director level affect the organizational culture within the Aesthetic Clinic in the UAE? Other research questions for this research include:
Why is leadership quality at the director level organizations fundamentally critical, more so in aesthetic clinics?
What is the role of quality of leadership at director level affects organizational culture, particularly in the aesthetics clinics in UAE?
How can the organizations operating aesthetics in UAE can adapt to build and sustain an organisational culture that festers organizational success?
Justification of the Study
The majority of organizations today are looking for new strategies to improve the conditions of their enterprises and ensure organizational commitment (Eslami and Gharakhani, 2012). Leadership is very crucial for an organization and adapting organizational culture has been a significant way for these organizations to be able to manage their organizations well. However, there are certain challenges that face leadership such as conflicts within the organizations. Therefore, for the leaders of an organization to be able to eliminate these challenges they are applying the concept of organizational culture to ensure the smooth running of activities. Nations like UAE are faced with many challenges in the business world due to limited resources, which prompt for this research to discuss how they are managing the issue of scarce resources through leadership and organizational culture.
Outline of the Study
This study is organized into six chapters, which successively build on each other to address the education research question on how leadership impacts on the quality of organizational chapter within aesthetic clinics within the UAE. The chapters are as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction- This chapter sets the foundation for the study by defining the key issues for the study and justification for studying the influence of leadership quality on organizational culture. It also provides highlights about the UAE' medical aesthetics market, with a view to underscoring the markets unique attributes. Finally, it offers the roadmap of the study, regarding the organization of content, so as to equip the reader on what to expect across the chapters.
Chapter 2: Summary of Literature Review- This section covers concepts, theories, and models of leadership quality and organizational culture, together with relevant academic studies on the relationship between quality of leadership (particularly at director-level) and the organizational culture. The aim of this chapter is to provide a critical understanding of the theoretical, conceptual and empirically underpinnings of the study. Through these reviews, the study will also establish the research gap.
Chapter 3: Methodology: Summary of Empirical Study-This builds on the previous chapters by investigating methodological approaches and analytical tools that have been used in the past to investigate the research questions similar to the ones being investigated. Through these reviews, the study draws insights in the operationalization of relevant variables and potential research methodology open for the researcher.
Chapter 4: Presentation of Data: Empirical Study-This chapter described and justifies the research approaches used to collect, process and analyze the empirical data for the study. Details of nature datasets, data collection methods, sampling criteria, inclusion and exclusion criteria, ethical considerations and data analysis techniques applied with be explained here.
Chapter 5: Analysis of Data-The chapter undertakes an analysis of the primary data used in the study, so as to generate the empirical results.
Chapter 6: Discussion and Interpretation of Findings- The chapter expounds and interprets further on the findings, applying relevant theories and past studies. The chapter links the findings to the literature reviewed in chapter 2 and 3. This way, the chapter puts the empirical findings to the studs theoretical and academic context.
Chapter 7: Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations- This chapter recaps the findings in light of the study objectives, and then draw conclusions from them. Drawing from the findings and conclusion, the chapter makes recommendations for practice and further research.
Bell, J 2016. Plastic surgery booming in UAE despite economic slowdownThe National UAE, Retrieved from
Bodla, M., and Nawaz, M. 2010. Transformational leadership style and its relationship with satisfaction. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 12,pp. 370 381.
Eslami, J., andGharakhani, D. 2012.Organizational commitment and Job satisfaction.ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, 2 (2), pp.85-91.
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