Page 239 Question #1
In recent times, quality of life assessment tools have been recognized as being very crucial in evaluation of peoples health status. Health-Related Quality of Life, abbreviated as HRQOL, is a persons perception of his or her position in life with respect to value systems and culture of where they live, and in the context of their concerns, goals, standards, and expectations. It is a wide-ranging concept impacted in a complicated manner by the persons psychological state, physical health, social relations, degree of independence, and his or her relationships with the main aspects of the surrounding environment. There are numerous tools out there used to assess the quality of life. An instrument that has significantly influenced some major decisions and choices I have made in my life is the WHOQOL.
Developed by the World Health Organization, the WHOQOL captures a number of subjective features of the quality of life (QOL). It is a self-report questionnaire that accesses four spheres of quality of life. They are physical health, environment, psychological health, and social relations. It also has two additional items that tries to figure out general health and overall QOL. The tool conceptually matches with WHOs definition of QOL. It can offer data for both clinical purposes and research. Although it is a comparatively brief tool, it has a structure that enables me access specified data on numerous aspects of life.
WHOQOL has particularly influenced me on matters to do with social interactions and leisure. The tool taught me that the power of social connections and networks can never be underestimated when it comes to measuring a persons well-being since they influence satisfaction with life directly. It has helped me in deciding which sports teams to support as well as the cultural events to attend.
Question #4
I am aware that feeling down once in a while is normal and should be expected. However, if an individual is sad most of the time in a way that affects day-to-day life, he or she could be suffering from depression. I have been depressed on several occasions and it was not a pleasant experience. Some of the symptoms that I went through included:
Loss of interest in hobbies and activities that I once found enjoyable
Significant weight gain
I had a hard time getting sleep and sometimes dozed during the day
Feeling agitated and restless while also diminished mentally
Had a hard time concentrating on simple tasks
Feeling worthless and hopeless
All these symptoms point to clinical depression. I found out that screening for depression and use of assessment tools ensures that there is accurate diagnosis as well as effective treatment and follow up treatment. Some of the recommended and most commonly used screening tools include the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) i.e. PHQ-2 and PHQ-9. Depression Scale happens to be a recommended follow up test. In case the assessment tools indicate that someone is suffering from depression, further evaluation should be conducted to confirm his or her diagnosis. Regular depression screening and assessment has a minimal effect on outcomes or management of depression after several months of follow-up. Treatment using psychotherapy, antidepressants, or both minimizes clinical morbidity while improving outcomes in grownups suffering from depression identified via screening within primary care settings.
Page 269 Question #1
Everyone would wish to stand out in one way or another. However, they would also want to fit into a group; feel as if they belong to and are part of something bigger than themselves. I found out that fitting in is not that easy since I am a bit shy and also quite introverted. I am rarely full of natural self-confidence unless I manage to get into the right settings. As is the case with many individuals, my self-confidence is mainly situational. This was turning out to be too bad for me since someone feeling confident and as if he or she belongs improves relaxation, motivation and self-assuredness. In addition to feeling better about themselves, the person performs better and is more willing to assist others.
I had a rather informative experience by joining a workout group in a gym since I felt some kind of attachment. At first, I felt totally out of place. As a tall, skinny and scrawny person, lifting weights felt like a fish that had been pulled out of the water. All the upper body strength that I initially possessed was rapidly becoming depleted. It seemed as if in was the one lifting the least amounts of weights. I had a feeling that everyone was staring at me and judging. The truth is that no one was paying attention to what I was doing. Most of the gym members, especially the successful muscle-bound ones, pretended that I was not even there. As much as I was full of insecurities, I decided to stick to the workout regime. I gradually grew stronger and bigger thanks to the motivation I got from observing others succeed. I thus learnt a very important lesson about fitting into any group. An individual has to start quietly and do what is required. Trying to force ones way into the group upon arrival is not the way to go.
Question #5
As the leader of a counseling group, I figured out that trainee counselors usually face a wide variety of challenges and struggles. They include the pressures and stresses associated with their courses, conflicts with supervisors or issues with the supervising process, challenging patients and clients, and handing in assignments. Other challenges have to do with preparations for tests and examinations, handling countertransference issues, and dealing with the hardships of going through the emotional changes associated with counseling training.
Members of the groups were always facing numerous variables that left them feeling exposed and vulnerable as they struggles to confront their own insecurities. At the same time, they were aware that they had to make it eventually. Irrespective of how beneficial such groups are to those aspiring to be counselors, I observed that it is quite an unpleasant affair. It is not easy for someone to share his or her fears and struggles with fellow trainees who, despite going through the same things, are in the real sense strangers.
Different wannabe counselors come to these groups armed with varying attitudes and experiences towards confidentiality and trust. All of them cannot be expected to agree on these issues. Additionally, group members may verbally agree to respect the private and confidential nature of the process. However, numerous problematic dynamics eventually emerge later on that indicate violations of confidentiality and trust.
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