Digital media has become a very significant feature in todays society. Digital media has affected various aspects of life that include politics, advertisement, trade, education and legal field. It has also changed daily activities especially to the modern generation where children have become too exposed to the digital media. Digital media introduces us to a new era of information age whereby we are turned into paperless society by use of media devices in doing various activities. This essay aims to analyze the impacts of digital media on politics, children, education, and culture.
Digital Media and Education
Education field has increasing been digitized whereby education activities are slowly conducted using media devices. This culture became prevalent in the late 1990s and has helped students to decide about their study, time, place and resources. Computers have rapidly replaced chalkboards that were common in the past thus creating new challenges and opportunities for students and educators (Hobbs & Jensen, 2009). Digital media is primarily used in content area learning, comprehension reading, improving test scores, language acquisition and motivating learners. Using technology to undertake all these activities makes one support the idea that media has enhanced literacy development throughout the world.
In medieval times, education was mainly conducted manually in classrooms or open places through gathering of learners. The educators conducted their teaching and training using papers which later evolved into chalkboards. Moreover, books, videos, and audios were scarce, and an individual had to travel to centers of learning to achieve an education. This situation is parallel to the modern day where the technology has activated the activities of students in classrooms. The modern class setting contains current digital media devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets that help learners in their day-to-day operations (Bers, 2010).
Today, massive amounts of learning materials are available at an individuals fingertips due to the internet, and one can access formal learning opportunities such as online degree programs and scholarships in a global scope. Moreover, digital media has enhanced collaboration that was undreamt of in the past. Students from all parts of the may learn new things such as space by just reading NASAs scientists blogs, email questions or using a video conference to communicate with them live. This is an excellent future in enhancing knowledge.
The United States has advanced technologically in their education sector. The federal government spends more than $3.5 billion annually for digital content in public schools to enable them to achieve their objective of having at least one computer for every five learners (Bers, 2010). The government has put massive efforts into providing high-speed internet at learning institutions to help in conducting free online teaching that enhances literacy levels mainly in rural areas. The states use the media to adopt online exams with the Common Core State Standards. This online assessment has tremendously increased the opportunities for the students.
Other countries that have significantly embraced technology in their education sector are Finland and Singapore. In Finland, digital learning has become a standard feature in schools, and it has been identified as one of the most advanced countries in use of digital technology. Singapore, on the other hand, integrated technology into education system using three masterplans since 1997. This led to wireless connectivity is schools and computer devices being used (Hobbs & Jensen, 2009).
Indeed, technology can bring both negative and positive impacts on the education system. It is no doubt that the media has enhanced literacy among the students who can learn many fields using their gadgets. It has improved academic performance and cognitive skills of many learners worldwide. However, too much use of the media affects in interaction, communication, and connection among learners. The majority tend to use them to access social sites where they access pornographic content and other misleading sites in the web pages.
Hobbs, R., & Jensen, A. (2009). The past, present, and future of media literacy education. Journal of media literacy education, 1(1), 1.
Bers, M. (2010). Beyond computer literacy: Supporting youths positive development through Technology. New Directions for Youth Development, 128(winter). Doi: 10, 1002/yd.371
Digital Media and Politics
Digital media has been of substantial impact on the political world in countries worldwide. Several countries use the media in carrying out vital activities that include campaigning, a collection of polls and airing political views of the locals. Political parties use media to draw their supporters from every region in their countries as well as around the world. Recently, well-wishers in association with American Red Cross used the technology specifically Twitter to raise a record of around $8.5 million to aid Haiti who was affected by an earthquake (Riaz, 2010).
Before the invention of modern technology, the political activities were majorly done manually where people meet physically to air their political views. Countries interacted with other nations through international meetings only compared to todays world where ministerial sessions are conducted online through Skype. Nevertheless, the elections were conducted manually right from registration to voting hence slowing down the electoral process. However, the modern digital media has enhanced several political events. An individual can know the political happenings around the world by just using his/her cell phone. The billions of web pages and blogs provide a worldview of political scenes; one can know political merges, civic groups being formed and government policies (Weare, 2002).
The citizens of united states can watch White House proceedings using YouTube, satellite tv or TiVo. Twitter and Facebook another powerful tool where a political group or government can use to communicate with citizens more efficiently. For instance, the White Houses Facebook page that has over 2 million fans and twitter with close to 1.8 million followers can be used communicate the governments proceedings (Weare, 2002). A political survey can efficiently be conducted through jus tapping on thumbs up or down symbols on web pages. Political hopefuls who were rather weak can now reach the majority of voters using the digital media.
The recent UK elections attracted a massive number of youth voters due to impacts of technology. This was as a result of dragging political process into the 21st century though embracing the digital age. The commissioning of YouGov poll helped the authorities to understand the needs of the majority of people. The data found that 60% of people want to vote via media while the majority of younger generation desired online voting (Riaz, 2010). However, other countries such as Russia has recently been condemned for using technology to interfere with US political systems. The US government allegedly the Russians hacked their electoral system in favor of Trump against his competitor Clinton.
The digital media has brought both negative and positive impacts on politics in various countries. The technology is used by shrewd politicians to get elected into office faster and at a lower cost. Moreover, the electoral bodies use the media to manage a large number of voters data and conducting general elections. The voters can also use media to receive information of various candidates to help the make concrete decision. However, some politicians may use the media to spread propaganda and hate of another politician. Apart from the spread of rumor, some may hack the electoral systems to benefit themselves. Thus, media should be handled with care when dealing with political matters.
Riaz, S. (2010). Effects of new media technologies on political communication. Journal of Political Studies, 17(2), 161.
Weare, C. (2002). The Internet and democracy: The causal links between technology and politics. International Journal of Public Administration, 25(5), 659-691.
Digital Media and Children
In todays society, the development of children has been dramatically affected by digitization. The exposure of new technology has significantly changed their social life and also has an impact on their economic and cultural aspects. Various forms of digital devices have become available in every part of the society, and younger generation life has increasingly become impossible without it. Since birth, the children are slowly exposed to the internet, television, video, mobile phones, and computers that have commanded their cultures and characters while growing up. This is in contrary to the era of their parents where the digital media had not evolved.
Historically, it is estimated that in 1986 less than 1% of the population were using digital media while by 2002 its usage had been used by approximately 95% of the population (Hsin, Li & Tsai, 2014). Ideally, the majority if not all of the parents had no access to modern computers and electrons that are majorly used by their young ones in todays world. The parents used old-fashioned ways such as using newspapers, manual letters and meeting in person before the evolution of modern televisions, mobile phones, and internet. Their lives were a bit complicated when compared to the current world where children get necessary information just a click away.
Recent research by the Statista in the United States concerning the monthly reach of selected media among children showed large exposure to the technology. Over 95% of children had access to AM/FM radio while 92% watch TV on a daily basis. Moreover, 77% use internet on pc while 70% had access to mobile phones. These statics shows how high level of digital exposure among the young generation. On the other hand, the same study in the United Kingdom by Ofcom revealed that there is a high usage of internet and computer devices among children especially those between 10-18 years. The older children start to access YouTube and other websites by the age of 15 years and majority begin to play games over the media. Moreover, the research states that 35% of preschoolers and 68% of teenagers had their own media device by 2013 (Hsin, Li & Tsai, 2014).
Besides UK and US, Canada is another country that has digital media usage among children. The children use the media devices primarily for educational purposes. However, the children become exposed to sexual contents through videos and images available on various websites. Furthermore, the television exposes children to the advertisement of alcohol and smoking that are marketed by breweries in the country (Subrahmanyam, Greenfield, Kraut & Gross, 2001).
Does digital media have positive or negative effects on children? This is a question that has attracted a wide range of arguments worldwide. The media is critical in making children smarter in various ways. Majority of educators see the usage of tablets as what a classroom needs through enhancing their learning. Subsequently, it media develops children to be media-shrewd thus pioneering them, of future innovations. However, digital media can make them stagnate in life. Overspending time in TVs and other social media sites negatively impact their education. Media can develop intellectual issues to children in future because of failure to think. Children solve all their problems using media thus may affect the cognitive skills.
Hsin, C. T., Li, M. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2014). The influence of young childrens use of technology in their learning: A. Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 85-99.
Subrahmanyam, K., G...
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