The Child Poverty Reduction Act of 2017 bill no S.1630/ H.R.3381 is a bill established towards the Administration for Children and Families in the Health and Human Services department to help in reduction of child poverty. It is a national social welfare policy. The primary goal of the bill is the development of a national plan by the working group which will help reduce the number of children who are living in poverty in the United States. The reduction period is estimated to be within ten years to half the number which is in the U.S Census Bureau report records on poverty, income and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States. The goal of the bill is also to ensure that within ten years the number of children in living extreme poverty is reduced to zero in the United States and also in a period of twenty years those children who are living in extreme poverty or any situation of poverty is as well reduced to zero. The latest action on this bill was taken on 25th July 2017 whereby it was read twice, and then later it was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Pensions, and Labor. The bill is still in the first stage of the legislative process, and hence it requires first to be considered by the committee before it is sent to the Senate as a whole or the House. It has not yet been passed to become law. The sponsor of this bill is Danny Davis. Danny Davis is a Democrat who is a Representative for Illinoiss congressional district (United States, In Thomas, In Eig, United States, & Library of Congress, 2013) .
More information regarding this bill can be found in the congress.Gov website. The link to the website is The website consists of information regarding the bill. It gives detailed information as to the reason as to why the bill was introduced by the sponsor and also the co-sponsors of the Bill. It provides detailed information regarding how the working group for the Bill will be established. The established group shall be referred to as the Federal Interagency Working Group on Reducing Child Poverty.
The website also provides detailed information regarding the formulation of the national plan which will work towards achieving the goal of reducing child poverty. The working group will be required to consult with the national academy of sciences and also work towards a set deadline that should not exceed 180 days after the Act have been enacted. The website also provides the duties and responsibilities of the working group, the number of members that will compose the working group and they shouldnt be less than six members. The website further stipulates the reporting requirements of the bill and how the annual reporting will be carried out. This website provides various definitions of terms that are included in the child poverty reduction Act of 2017 ("Text - H.R.3381 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Child Poverty Reduction Act of 2017 | | Library of Congress,").
I would get involved in the First Focus Campaign to help in the legislation of this Bill. The group supports the legislation of this bill. This group focuses on childrens advocacy. Their area of support is mainly focused on a childs health, family economies, early childhood, education and child safety. It also advocates for policies that will help reduce any form of child poverty. The web address for First Focus campaign for children is
Barbara Lee is one key player who supports this proposal. Barbara argued that more children in the U.S tend to grow up but remain in poverty problems as compared to children in other industrialized countries. Barbara Lee said Any child living in poverty is one child too many yet nearly one in five American children and one in three Black and Latino children live in poverty. One key player who opposes this proposal is Marian Wright Edelman who believes that her plan would reduce poverty more quickly. Edelmans plan is to close all tax loopholes to deal with child poverty.
Text - H.R.3381 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Child Poverty Reduction Act of 2017 | | Library of Congress. (n.d.). Retrieved from
United States, In Thomas, K. R., In Eig, L. M., United States, & Library of Congress. (2013). The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and interpretation: analysis of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 28, 2012.
Woods, D. R. (2012). Family Policy in Transformation: US and UK Policies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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