Develop a comprehensive human resources system that includes policies and procedures for recruitment and selection, remuneration, training, and disengagement, homogeneous, transversal to all the companys departments.
To foster the sense of belonging, commitment, identity, integration, and transversality in the actions of the companys officials.
To promote a relational style based on cooperation, academic and professional rigor, respect for plurality and universality of thought, as well as participation and commitment to the guiding principles of the company.
To promote working climates based on forms of direct communication and harmonious human relations.
To promote and achievement of the improvement of the quality of life of the personnel, their working conditions and the development of systematic actions of risk prevention.
DRESS CODEIn the business environment, the personal image is an aspect that allows people to be perceived by others and ourselves and that binds employees in an important way as representatives of a particular Company. There is no doubt that the way of dressing projects a lot of our person (d'Arcimoles, 2007). Taking care of this visible part is an aspect priority to maintain an adequate professional image. Clothing is not everything. Also, our appearance and hygiene are important; it's no good wearing an impeccable outfit, if the rest of the details, such as personal hygiene, care of the hair, hands, and nails, as well as cleaning the shoes.
The dress code of a company gives the market messages that have what to do with: identity, who we are; competences, in what we are good; experience, what it means to work with the company; and features of the companys organizational culture. The same happens with us, the name and surname make our seal personal, that is, a unique brand that we seek to position in the minds of our customers when they need a business advisor. There are some rules for dressing at work; factors like the post, the department in which one is, tasks and functions assigned, type of office, the culture of the customer, etc., the condition of the kind of clothing.
Professional Business Dress codesClothing must be a full suit, white shirt or in pastel shades (smooth or striped). The color of the suit preferably should be navy blue, dark gray or black, may include vertical stripes or faint squares. The tie must be colored and discrete figures. The shoes should match the color of the suit, being advisable the color black.
Casual Clothing Dress CodeIn summer when the climate is warm, most employees are allowed casual wear. The combination of different sack and pants is allowed. The tie will be optional. The shirt may be sleeve long or short. Even sports shoes are with rubber soles. T-shirts with Polo collar and "sport" trousers of gabardine or cotton are also allowed.
Benefits of setting up a dress codeSetting up specific dress codes for employees allows a companys management teams to create an environment of professionalism, avoid wearing inappropriate clothing, and give employees clear guidelines on what to wear (Ezzamel, Lilley, Wilkinson and Willmott, 2010). These types of guides can avoid costly workers compensation issues, especially when implemented in hazardous workplaces such as warehouses and factories. They can also prevent harassment problems because many policies prevent employees from wearing provocative clothing.
Implementation of Dress Code There are many ways to ensure your employees are educated about a new dress code. Methods used by most companies include: sending a note to all staff, have an ad meeting with the entire company, or require managers to meet with employees to discuss the new dress code policy. All dress codes must be written in the employee handbook, and new hires must sign an agreement. There should also be rules about what happens if an employee violates the dress code rules.
The employer has the power to regulate and establish dress codes for its employees, due to the power of management that it has during the employment relationship. The so-called "dress codes" are prevalent in today's businesses, particularly for those workers who have constant contact with the public and with customers (Green et al. 2014). This situation also applies among those who require special clothing for occupational health or safety, and even for the integrity of the raw material or product in which the worker participates. Similarly, allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace have raised awareness and concern about the importance of setting dress standards to maintain a healthy working environment and respect.
Limits to Dress Codes The golden rule in regulating elements or conditions of the employment relationship is that any restriction on the freedom of workers must be reasonable and proportionate, and the subject of dress is no exception.
Dress guidelines should be based on business needs, the image they want to show their clients or even occupational safety issues, as indicated. In this way, the company can impose clothing guidelines and even determine the use of uniforms or particular garments for certain positions (Datta et al 2015). The employer must ensure that the legislation that he or she will impose, regarding dress, does not unjustifiably affect the rights of workers or affect their personality and even ideology, whether political, religious or otherwise.
Equally, it should be ensured that the restrictions imposed do not generate discrimination (Caldwell, 2012). Of course, the company can apply more restrictive measures to certain jobs, mainly those that perform some dangerous work and prohibit, for example, the use of certain accessories or attachments that can increase occupational risks or even put at risk raw material or the final product assigned to the employee of the firm.
CODES OF CONDUCTA Code of Business Conduct is a document voluntarily drafted by a company that sets out a series of principles and laws that it is obligatorily committed to following. Codes of conduct are an essential element for regulating industrial relations in companies (Harley and Hardy, 2014). They inform workers of those aspects that they must fulfill in their employment relationship with the company, always taking into account the Spanish labor regulations (it is not possible to sanction conduct that is not typified in the collective agreement that results from application to the company). Its main task is to avoid conflicts, but also helps us to define the rights and obligations of the parties in a very specific way, promoting good practices, setting a quality standard and limiting work behavior that damages safety and good working environment
A code of conduct institutionalizes the social responsibility of the company, becoming a permanent and stable element of the company's global policy (Danny, Guedri and Hatt, 2008). Codes must be accepted after undertaking the company a detailed analysis of the chosen option since it will have far-reaching repercussions.
What Codes of Conduct EntailWorkers have some rights guaranteed by international instruments of human and labor rights and national labor law. In many places, these rights are not respected or enforced, for various reasons (Kaya, 2015). Codes are, therefore, another way of articulating these rights. The various codes deal with labor rights differently. Some are stronger than others when it comes to protecting the rights of workers. It is not surprising that the codes established without union participation are the weakest.
These are the rights included in the codes, although not all of them include all these rights:
The salary is at least the legal minimum, including overtime and other benefits.
No discrimination in hiring, firing, and treatment.
Do not use child labor.
Do not resort to forced labor, physical coercion or physical punishment.
Freedom of association and right to organize.
Healthy and safe working environment.
Codes of conducts for most companies
Harassment or abuse:
Corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal aggression will not be applied.
Refrain from sexually coercive, abusive behavior.
Safety and Hygiene
A safe and healthy working environment is required.
Appointment of representatives and establishment of a system to protect the safety and health of workers.
Clean bathrooms, drinking water, and regular training.
Freedom of association
Respect for the right to form and join trade unions and collective bargaining.
If unions are restricted by law, facilitate parallel ways to achieve the same goals.
Non-discrimination towards trade union representatives.
Trade unions must be able to reach workers in the workplace.
No discrimination in recruitment, compensation, training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, and gender, and sexual orientation, membership of a trade union or political affiliation.
Do not interfere with exercise and practice.
Weekly regular weekly, 48 hours weekly or legal limit, if lower
Overtime: maximum of 12 hours per week; cannot be demanded except in exceptional circumstances and the short term.
One free day out of seven.
Wages and benefits
Minimum wage: legal or applicable in the industry, it has to cover the basic needs and provide an extra-moderate income.
How companies ensure that the company does what the codes indicateMonitoring to ensure that companies respect what a code of conduct says can be called in different ways: monitoring, auditing or verification. There is great debate about who is responsible for monitoring and verification, how it should be done, how the outcome will be reported, and what to do next with that information, a company hires outside commercial audit firms to oversee their codes.
The importance of collaboration in its creationWhen creating a code of conduct, it is important to encourage the collaboration of grassroots and middle managers, to take their views into account, to involve them in the decision-making process and to engage everyone in it. The way to act could be to create a "beta" code that will pass through the hands of a selection of workers and managers so that they give their opinions (Kane, Crawford and Grant, 2009). It seeks to adapt them to reality, so it should not be seen as a process of "yes" or "no,"...
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