Hi Courtney Johnson
Thank you for the comprehensive post. It is agreeable that family-based and individual cognitive behavioral interventions are the most efficient evaluation strategies for promoting healthy outcomes for Hispanic youth. Greenberg & Lippold (2013) assert that a meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral interventions has depicted positive results in reducing rates of recidivism. As they explain, some of the promising models of cognitive-behavioral interventions include Aggression Replacement Therapy (ART) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Additionally, in your strategy of family based programs, authors provide an example of the Family Check Up (FCU), which helps families to identify strategies that motivate them to improve both parenting skills and involvement. The author affirms that FCU contributes to promote healthy behavior as it mediates the outcome of risky behavior through higher parental monitoring and family conflict reductions. Besides the two strategies, it is agreeable that Spanish-speaking program facilitators could promote healthy outcomes. Bandy & Moore (2011) state that interventions, which target families tend to work compared to those who do not. Moreover, besides your strategies, I would add that residential treatment programs could be an effective strategy to Hispanics because it focuses on cognitive change. In fact, Greenberg & Lippold (2013) avow that the approach could work if it is inclusive of greater therapeutic time and high-quality treatment.
Beyond doubt, just as you have mentioned, Carlitos character in Under the Same Moon supports and illustrates your position of the strategies. It is agreeable that if Carlitos had received family-based program and cognitive behavioral interventions, he would not have decided to cross the border to find his mother. Likewise, a residential treatment program would be sufficient to Carlitos as it would have helped him with cognitive development.
Bandy, T., & Moore, K. (2011). What Works for Latino/Hispanic Children and Adolescents:
Lessons from Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Interventions. Child Trends. Retrieved from https://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Child_Trends-2011_02_01_RB_WW4LatinoChildren.pdf
Greenberg, M. T., & Lippold, M. A. (2013). Promoting Healthy Outcomes Among Youth with
Multiple Risks: Innovative Approaches. Annual Review of Public Health, 34, 253270.
Hi Heather Quiroz
Thank you for your detailed post. Foremost, it is agreeable that different approaches work differently among Hispanics and any other youths. Your point that as a social worker, you have to manipulate different treatments, evaluations, interactions, and terminations to each client to fit their needs is sensible. In fact, I like how you have introduced the aspect of social services as a strategy to contibute to promote healthy behavior among Hispanic youth. Rizzo & Seidman (n.d) affirm that social work interventions incorporate crucial skills and values, which help to promote healthy practices. Additionally, it is agreeable that when social workers culturally tailor their treatment interventions, evaluations, and terminations, they manage to understand the customer entirely. Menendez (2015) articulate that cultural competence is a significant aspect of social work, which improves service delivery by using strategies similar to a clients beliefs and values. Additionally, it is agreeable that understanding a clients language builds rapport and successful treatment. On a broader perspective, social workers must have ample knowledge about every individuals culture.
Regarding a character in Under the Same Moon, I agree with you that Carlitos would have benefited from a social worker who had knowledge of his situation with his mother, native language, and how they affect him. I agree that through social services, Carlitos would have received both personal and environmental strengths through his journey. Moreover, a social worker would have put him into foster care since he was a victim of neglect. Besides that, I believe that Rosario would have benefited from social workers as well. Since she was an immigrant in the US, a social worker would have helped her given the fact that she had unique needs and challenges, which can be addressed efficiently.
Menendez, L. N. (2015). Latino Cultural Competency in Social Work Education: A review of the
Literature. Retrieved from http://etd.fcla.edu/CF/CFH0004747/LianaHIMThesis.FINAL.pdf
Rizzo, V. M., & Seidman, J. (n,d). Section 3: The Role Of Social Work In Promoting Health.
Council on Social Work Education. Retrieved from https://www.cswe.org/getattachment/Centers-Initiatives/CSWE-Gero-Ed-Center/Initiatives/Past-Programs/MAC-Project/Resource-Reviews/Health/HP3-Role-Social-Work.pdf.aspx
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