Research is a journey and every step contributes largely to the progress made in answering the research question. One must first identify the problem existing in the society and look for ways to provide answers to that problem. My research journey began with the identification of the problem posed by the human trafficking problem in the global environment. The illicit trade has turned into a multibillion industry, with scholars such as Davy (2014, p.794) pointing that human trafficking rakes at least $12 billion each year. The effects of the illicit trade are so dire leading to cases of human rights abuses. Both men and women are potential victims of the trade. Having noted human trafficking as a social problem, I was intrigued by the pursuit of answers on why the menace was becoming a problem that governments and non-governmental organizations were finding it hard to deal with. Cambodia, a nation largely known for its notoriety as a source and transit point for the illicit trade was a perfect choice of location for the research.
A careful analysis of the human trafficking problem in Cambodia led me to research on the subject in which the countrys government was ranked as tier 2, nations that do not comply with stopping or contributing to efforts to mitigate human trafficking problem. It is for this reason that the research question: How can the Cambodian government address the human trafficking menace without hurting its economy, that is heavily dependent on the proceeds from the illicit trade? The research question emerges from the need to understand how the Cambodian government can address the human trafficking in the country despite the fact that the countrys economy being a big beneficiary of the trade. The population is vulnerable and efforts need to be done to address the situation.
So far, I have made great progress on what can be done to address the situation. I have drafted a proposal on how to answer the research question. I have a viable research question and a convincing problem statement that I have submitted to my supervisor. In this proposal, I plan to use a qualitative research design in the collection of data. The choice of qualitative research design over quantitative is because of the challenges of using human samples in a subjective research. There is also the aspect of bureaucracy in getting approval from the ethics department. Therefore, methods such as questionnaires and survey forms are not the best for such a short-term research study. As a result, I will use secondary sources dealing with the human trafficking problem in Cambodia and how different nations have addressed it and relate it to the case of Cambodia for the methodology section. I have also identified variables and variables measurement information for the research question. Ways to treat the data collected have also been identified to minimize experimental errors in the research. For the analysis part, I have submitted a proposal on how to compare literature material on the subject of human trafficking in Cambodia. The analysis will focus on the interpretation of economic growth rates and sectors suspected to have benefited greatly from the illicit trade. I have also identified the inefficacy of the judicial system in the country for the upsurge in human trafficking cases in the country and this will be subject to analysis. The following research hypotheses have also been presented to the supervisor as part of the study.
The Cambodian government cannot address the human trafficking problem without stifling its economy
The justice system in Cambodia serves as the main reason why the human trafficking in Cambodia thrives
Allowing the proceeds of human trafficking within the Cambodian economy allows the trade to thrive
The research journey has been interesting and educating at the same time. It has opened up wide opportunities to learn from others on what one can do to come up with credible answers to a research question. The inputs from my colleagues and supervisor have been of help in this journey.
The following is an outline of how the findings and analysis section will unfold:
Based on a careful analysis of the research problem, it is expected that part of the findings will be on: Economic growth of Cambodia within the last decade and much emphasis placed on year in which the nation was ranked as tier 2.
Performance of the countrys judicial system within the years in which the economic growth has been identified.
Finding on some of the business within the Cambodian economy that are suspected of being beneficiaries of proceeds from the illicit trade
Comparative findings on what other nations that have managed to mitigate human trafficking problems will be provided
Analysis of the Findings
Comparative analysis of economic growth rates found from literature materials
Comparative of the nations judiciary system within the years stated
Comparative analysis of business benefiting from the illicit trade
Identification of what the country can do to mitigate the human
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