Alpha GO vs. Sedol Lee, The Google Deepmind Challenge match was held between
March 9 through 15, 2016 in South Korea. There were only five matches played. AlphaGO won the challenge with four wins and one loss. It was a great achievement for people to recognize that artificial intelligence can never beat the human brain. AI played GO, the number of putting GO is the number of elements in the universe. This depended on artificial intelligence only as the number of supercomputers cannot be calculated, and the human kind comes to a great shock in human history. The whole world saw that the limit of AI is gone. So what will happen to human jobs in the future if the AI takes control of everything? What people are more interested in is to know if humankind will live without jobs when AI is introduced in every sector ("We asked 3 experts," 2017).
What kind of job can be threatening by AI?
According to Risdon, (2017), the main reason why CEOs choose human labor over AI is the fear that artificial intelligence will replace human labor in the future. Various reports have emphasized that certain jobs are safer done by artificial intelligence (Guynn, 2016, Dec 01). This will make certain human skills disappear completely from the labor market. These reports give relief to people who own businesses but leave the employees worried about their career. For examples, jobs that can be taken up by AI include tutoring, driving, accounts management, managerial duties such as work delegation, online marketing, and analysts, surgeons, and sports reporters. However, AI cannot be employed in jobs that require creativity such as detailed creative cooking, designing, and building. Other jobs that cannot be replaced by AI include creative arts, professional sports, and quality assurance. Jobs that can easily be automated can easily be taken up by machines, a situation that puts at risks jobs such as training and coaching at risk.
The distinction between these two types of labor lies within the time it takes AI to reach a high level of intelligence that replaces humans in various fields of expertise. In other words, AI is not yet in a position to perform complex professions other than simple tasks today. But there is one thing to overlook here. It is the manager's viewpoint and not from the voice of the experts (Arnold, 2017).
Could all jobs be replaceable with AI?
To answer this question one must change the question and ask, "What can AI not do or is Artificial Intelligence something we cannot do without, and what can human beings do well (Palmer, 2015)? If this question is answered well, changes in our future jobs can be predictable and clues about what one needs to prepare for purposes of educating others about those future jobs can be found.
Jones (2016) acknowledges that artificial intelligence will take most of our future jobs, and there are many ominous predictions that humans will no longer stand. However, there are many opinions that make 'AI fear' to be exaggerated more than its reality but only the negative point is highlighted. Some individuals pointed out that AI phobia was more than necessary for many people who watched artificial intelligence match last year where Alpha GO battled against Sedol Lee.
Although human beings need to be educated on how to find their own abilities in areas where AI cannot reach there is a difference between a task performed by a human being and that done by AI. The results of researchers can be clearly distinguished from what humans can do and how well the artificial intelligence can develop. It is almost impossible for artificial intelligence to replace all jobs carried out by humans. For example, AI can well be employed in the finance department in the analysis of financial records and management of statements. At the same time, the latest technology shows that AI can well be employed in motor vehicles in which drivers are replaced with intelligence systems that offer automatic driving techniques.
However, experts in the project note that artificial intelligence and the areas in which each person works are distinctly different (Harari & Perkins, 2014). Artificial intelligence is far superior in terms of memory, physical strength, sight, hearing, and spatial perception than the existing workers. But people are found to be better in creativity, persuasion, negotiation, and speaking. Now Human needs to develop creativity and empathy that cannot be replaced by AI. For example, in the financial department, AI is well placed to offer superior services s compared to humans. However, other sectors such as secretarial duties are only best done by human beings and cannot be delegated to AI only. At the same time, AI in driving is only applicable to designated roads and places since not all roads and vehicles can utilize the technology to counter the challenges poised in driving.
In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we expect many things to demand creativity and empathy. Jerry Kaplan, a world-renowned scholar in artificial intelligence, says, "Machines do not replace workers. They only do certain tasks. If your machine does all the work in an organization, the human labor in the organization will be lost. But if only part of the organizations job is done by AI, the productivity of the organization will improve (Jones, 2016)." By leveraging the strengths of artificial intelligence, you can increase productivity through collaboration with artificial intelligence. For example, machines cannot do all the secretarial works in an organization. However, a combination of the two can guarantee efficiency and diligent work towards accomplishing the tasks outlined.
In the end, we need to find out what artificial intelligence cannot do and what is impossible for man to do. Creativity, problem-solving, and communication abilities are summarized as human talent for the future. They are the ability that makes one ask questions and find answers to those questions. Future society will be a world where human capacity such as creativity and empathy are extremely important. And we need to create an education system that will raise these competencies and bring up talented people who are trained according to the system.
Possible new jobs?
A survey of about 1,000 companies with revenues of $ 500 million or more, which have been experimenting with AI on a large scale, has been published. According to Cap Gemini, the French consulting firm which conducted a survey on the impact of IA, 83% of the respondents said that AI had a new role in the company. The survey found that the concerns over short-term job losses and reduced sales by AI, which had been the original problem of AI did not exist. Instead, companies said that they were making huge profits because of AI. For example, three-quarters of companies responded directly that "sales increased 10 percent" due to AI adoption (Seager, 2016).
However, is AI aware of the fact that it takes away human jobs, and does it mean to create jobs on the contrary? So can AI and human be coexisting? To answer this two questions, we take a closer look at the survey conducted in nine countries: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France, India, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Among them, 83% of enterprises had created jobs by adopting AI. In particular, AI created more demand for senior level and managerial jobs. The survey further revealed that 63% of companies that introduced AI on a large scale said that AI did not destroy jobs in the enterprise (Russell, Dewey & Tegmark, 2015).
Despite the good things AI has brought, there are those individuals who hold a contrary opinion to the introduction of AI. The introduction of AI means that 37% of companies are likely to fire their personnel, but it is interesting that there are new jobs for the manager or higher positions. We may think that we need a more advanced skill as we have left AI to simple tasks. One thing to note here is the purpose that makes a company to introduce AI. According to research, companies have introduced AI as a mean of reducing the number of time employees are wasting on repetitive tasks or management tasks and to provide employees with a higher value (Murray, 2017). The research also reveals that 71% of companies that introduced AI actually use the time saved by AI investment for retraining and improvement of their skills. Nearly 90% of companies that introduced AI on a large scale said that it was easier to work with it (Loebbecke & Picot, 2015).
In the case of sales, 3/4 of the companies that use IA have recorded a 10% overall growth. This shows that there is a high possibility that companies that have not introduced AI will introduce it in the future. If you look at the contents so far, it seems that the talents required by Cap Gemini's "AI - introduced jobs" are quite at a high level. As such, entrusting some tasks to the AI and making the skill-up of each individual employee result in a higher quality and quantity of the overall work, saves time and resources. Even though new talent is needed to manage that high level of work, the series of trends is seen as a creation of employment opportunities. Moreover, it will make the skills required for the jobs to be very high because of competition. However, there are still many jobs that are likely to be replaced by AI, though unfortunately. Jobs and tasks such as driving, record keeping, stock management, and teaching can easily be taken up by AI.
However, unless an individual has the time or manpower, he should not introduce AI in his company. The strategy can only work in situations that support an integrated system in which both AI and human input can work together. The reason for this is because he will not know what to do if he does not need it. However, the AI technology needs to be evaluated so that it can generate profits to a company. The introduction of AI, however, varies from one industry to another. The challenges of its use intensify when an industry or a company is undergoing diffusion.
The qualifications required for one to become a competent professional in any industry needs to be set higher even if AI technology develops and spreads in the future. This should not be considered as an attempt to compete with AI but as an effort to actively pursue technology development with an attitude of using AI. Therefore, people do not need to worry about AI taking their jobs away but instead they should appreciate because of the many benefits it comes with. As such, the cost of production will be cut nearly by half while the productivity of their businesses will increase. This is in line with the principle of maximization of stakeholders wealth that every business tries to achieve.
Arnold, M. (2017). Banks' AI plans threaten thousands of jobs. FT.Com, Retrieved from, J. (2016, Dec 01). Facebook touts AI benefits as job risks loom. USA Today (Online)
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Murray, J. H. (2017). Hamlet on the holodeck: The future of narrative...
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