A capstone project is the culmination of the years of hard work you’ve put into your nursing degree. It’s the most challenging and exciting project of your academic career to date. But, unfortunately, you cannot start working on it until you settle on a topic, and choosing one among seemingly endless options can seem like torture.
To help you make sense of relevant research areas and accelerate the selection process, we’ve compiled a list of senior project topics on nursing. We recommend choosing three to five options you like best and consulting your advisor before you pick the winner.
What Is a Capstone Project in Nursing?
Unlike a thesis, a capstone project is a shorter paper, completed over 4 to 12 weeks in the final semester of the nursing program. It is usually a part of programs that result in a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree.
A capstone project is a research paper (30 to 100 pages long) that combines the theoretical knowledge gained over the years in class with practical skills, experience and evidence accumulated throughout hands-on healthcare training. The goal of the capstone project is to identify a nursing-related problem, analyze existing research and evidence and offer a recommendation to resolve the issue. In this, the structure of the capstone is close to an extended case study.
Nursing Capstone Projects Ideas
To help you make the final choice, we’ve divided the medical capstone project topics into three categories. Creative ideas are perfect if you want a fresh topic that can catch your professor’s attention. Easy topics are ideal if you need to finish your project quickly without wasting too much time on research. And practicum ideas are tailored to reflect and highlight your practical experience.
As always, we urge you to play around with the wording, scope, and focus of the topics until you find the one that fits your interests and your professor’s requirements.
Creative Nursing Projects Ideas
- The effects of emergency department duration of stay on clinical outcomes for critically ill or injured patients.
- The need for an educational resource tool to improve hospital-wide knowledge of rehabilitation care and services.
- The factors influencing parent satisfaction of pediatric nursing care.
- The differences and similarities in patient and nurse perception of critical issues associated with Type 2 diabetes.
- The effects of remote fetal monitoring in an inpatient obstetrical unit.
- The effects of early initiation of induced therapeutic hypothermia.
- The neurological outcomes of induced hypothermic states, such as post-cardiac-arrest resuscitation.
- The differences in discharge timeliness for medical and surgical patients.
- Assessing the factors affecting breastfeeding choices among first-time mothers.
- Establishing a sleep hygiene program for night shift workers.
- The implementation of a daily mindfulness-based meditation intervention for chronic pain management.
- Using preoperative education to lower the readmission rates for total joint arthroplasties patients.
- The effect of improved sleep quality on the non-pharmacological protocols in geriatric patients.
- The use of phone call follow-up procedures to reduce the readmission rates in gynecologic oncology surgery patients.
- Implementing text message intervention to improve diabetes outcomes in an urban free clinic setting.
- Improving nurse-patient understanding using the teach-back method.
- The issues of body consciousness among the nursing staff of plastic and cosmetic surgery clinics.
- Improving the teachers’ knowledge of physical activities and healthy food choices for preschool children to prevent obesity.
- Improving clinical judgment through the use of software solutions, such as an electronic healthcare record.
- The negative effect of bullying in the nursing workplace on health-related outcomes for nurses and patients.
- The implementation of culturally sensitive cancer control programs for Muslim patients.
- The use of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent unsupervised wandering in people with dementia.
- The survival rates of patients with Alzheimer’s disease based on the severity of cognitive impairment at initial diagnosis.
- The implementation of an exercise program to decelerate the decline in daily living activities of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
- The comparison of multisensory stimulation and usual activities for dementia patients’ cognition, behavior and mood.
Easy Capstone Nursing Ideas
- Enhancing nurses’ perception of lateral violence in the healthcare environment through education and training.
- Improving physician-nurse collaboration in the home healthcare setting.
- Affecting the parents’ perceptions of the correlation between children’s eating habits and obesity.
- Establishing self-care agency and practice of adult patients with Type 2 diabetes.
- The relationship between the timing of a hospice referral and the family’s perception of the care quality.
- An overview of patient-related factors negatively affecting the patient or procedure outcomes in screening colonoscopy.
- The school’s intervention to prevent childhood obesity.
- The positive effects of early home visits by a registered nurse with heart failure patients.
- The effect of preoperative ibuprofen as a part of multimodal analgesia on the patient’s comfort levels.
- Best practices in pregnancy resolution counseling with adolescents.
- The causes of compassion fatigue among emergency department nurses.
- Improving the patients’ satisfaction with hospital services and interventions.
- The effect of community education on osteoporosis knowledge.
- Improving comfort levels of patients with the alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
- Post-concussion treatment and care protocols for student-athletes.
- The implementation of pre-procedure warming to prevent intraoperative hypothermia.
- Improving nurses’ technique when administering intramuscular injections.
- Factors affecting the nurse-physician collaboration and satisfaction.
- Improving patient safety in the ambulatory oncology environment.
- Educating patients on urgency levels to improve their emergency department experience and satisfaction.
- The effect of social factors on the readmission rates of heart failure patients.
- Implementing inpatient medication education to improve healthcare outcomes.
- Improving self-confidence and self-efficacy in persons experiencing chronic back pain.
- Enhancing relationships between psychiatric nurses and adolescent patients.
- Nursing interventions to prevent and alleviate patient emotional harm.
- Educational techniques to improve nurses’ communication with older patients.
- The implementation of calcium supplements to prevent osteoporotic fractures in people over the age of 50.
- Nursing best practices to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
- Enhancing child visitation guidelines for terminal patients to improve quality of life.
- The use of telephone interventions to reduce smoking during pregnancy.

Nursing Practicum Ideas for a Capstone Project
- The value of protocol adherence during an inter-facility transfer of acute ischemic stroke patients.
- Enhancing the nurse’s blood management knowledge, including blood conservation techniques.
- The effect of anonymity on the frequency of medication error reporting.
- Improving the delirium assessment protocols for critical care nurses.
- Improving the nurses’ knowledge to enhance lymphedema detection and prevention.
- The effect of peppermint oil use on reducing nausea of the palliative care and hospice patients.
- The causes of ventilator-associated pneumonia among the trauma critical care patients.
- The implementation of abdominal massage for constipation treatment among hospice patients.
- The positive and negative effects of open visitation on critically ill patients.
- Implementing results-pending treatment area to improve patient flow.
- The correlation between the use of psychotropic drugs and fall frequency among the geriatric patients.
- Calculating the transition time for late preterm infants to prevent hypothermia.
- The non-pharmacological interventions in dementia treatment.
- The implementation of early non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in elderly patients with rib fractures.
- The drawbacks of intensive care unit telemedicine in rural environments.
- The best practices in obstetric emergency team training and drills.
- The challenges of identifying and referring patients to palliative care for primary care curses.
- The effect of an evidence-based fall risk scale implementation on fall rate decrease.
- Enhancing self-care levels in hospitalized heart failure patients through education.
- Improving risk stratification through frailty screening in cardiac surgery patients.
- Enhancing extended antibiotic infusion administration process.
- Mitigating discharge delays through discharge risk screening and communication.
- Improving breast cancer screening practices in primary care.
- The positive effects of educating pregnant women with fear of childbirth on the rates of spontaneous vaginal delivery and experience.
- The effectiveness of a competency self-assessment tool for nurse interns.
- The safety and effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for patients with insomnia.
- The effects of non-pharmacological interventions by family caregivers on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia patients.
- The implementation of magnesium sulfate in severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia management.
- The effect of the life-saving skills training on the quality of care given during emergencies in pregnancy, infancy and childhood.
- Lowering institutionalization rates for patients with dementia through a support program for their caregivers.
- Enhancing cognition and quality of life of dementia patients through cognitive stimulation.
- The effects of social ties and interaction with nurses and the environment on bedridden patients.
- Promoting positive postpartum mental health through an exercise regimen
- The relationship between symptom severity and functional status among patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
- The implementation of pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart disease.
With ninety great topics to choose from, you’re now set with at least a handful of options. All you have to do is research and write your capstone project. And if you need an extra push to get to the finish line, let us know, and we’ll lend a hand.